Sunday, 31 March 2013

Re: [] Gujarat and THE MODI..!!


Hi Everybody
I am a Malayalee staying in Gujrat for the last 40 years, fairly well settled running a
travel agency.

I never had any problem, faced no difficulties etc here.

Every body works and make fair amount of money.

Never ever thought of returning to Kerala though I have some property
still there.

Hope things will clear  later.
Kerala is no match for Gujarat in any aspect except showmanship and exhibitionism.

Good luck guys.


From: kumar nair <>
Sent: Saturday, 30 March 2013 1:20 PM
Subject: [] Gujarat and THE MODI..!!

The other side is that there is no commu thoughts in Gujarat like in kerala.  There is no bursha , facist or american agenda to pin  point. Other difference is that when a gujarati gets money he multiplys it by starting a small or big business subject to his financial limits. But when a keralite gets money he builts a huge mansion , buys the latest car showing off ( By doing this he is creating oportunity for his near and dear ones to fight for the money he leaves behind after his death ) . Another reason for the keralite to build a house is beacuse of the lack of good people in case he  starts a business. In Gujarat there are plenty of manpower available. Even then due to large opportunities in huge industries comming up in Gujarat , there are thousands of keralites and other south indians working , settled there. You ask the keralites there and they will tell the fact. There are lots of keralites who made it big in Gujarat. The kerala NRI must meet Mr.Modi and discuss the ways for their investments in that state. You have lots of things to learn from Gujarat and Modi.  It is a shame that we tell that we keralites are highly literate and our GDP , per capita income is more than Gujarat etc. and wander to other states for making a living. What kerala does not have ?  It has a big accessable coastline . 3 international airports ( 2 more comming up) , plenty of manpower, water and other sources. Yet our govt is not able to utlise these resources in a proper way to make kerala a prosperous state. Take the case of agriculture. Rice , milk , meat ,vegetables and even textiles is comming from the other states. There is huge demand but no self production. The UDF/LDF ruling in turn must change . A third front must emerge to change the face of kerala.

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