Thursday, 10 January 2013

[] Preventing Swine Flu


Why Is It Important To Avoid The Swine Flu?
The swine flu or the H1N1 strain is a new kind of influenza virus. While we all suffer from seasonal flu from time to time, and take it as no big deal, swine flu still needs to be taken as a serious threat since its detection and treatment are often delayed, leading to various complications that may turn fatal. People who are at a high risk of complications are senior citizens, pregnant women and children below five years of age. Others at risk are those who are already suffering from some kind of chronic medical condition ranging from heart disease to diabetes and everything in between.
Swine flu complications often range from pneumonia and asthma attacks to bronchitis and other severe secondary infections. The disease also makes existing medical conditions worse and may play havoc with sugar levels of diabetics and worsen already existing cardiovascular diseases. The complications are not restricted to just heart disease or diabetes and can prove fatal in medical conditions ranging from pregnancy to kidney and liver disorders.
How Can I Prevent Swine Flu Infections?
When it comes to a disease like the swine flu, prevention is indeed better than cure. Following a few simple steps and taking small measures can go a long way in protecting you and your family from this deadly virus strain.
Keep Washing Your Hands Frequently And Thoroughly: Antibacterial soap manufacturers are not kidding when they tell you that washing your hands properly is the best defence against swine flu. The swine flu virus can survive for two to eight hours on surfaces like counter tops, door handles and knobs, etc. Wash your hands thoroughly using soap and water for at least 15 to 20 seconds to get rid of virus strains that you may pick up when you touch contaminated surfaces. If soap and water are not available, use a hand sanitizer. Rub the sanitizer all over your hands till it is dry to kill all the germs.
Avoid Touching Your Mouth, Nose And Eyes Often: This is the way that the virus gets into your system.
Stay Away From Infected People, And Stay Home If You Are Infected: Those infected with swine flu can infect others starting 24 hours before they develop symptoms and continue to do so for a week following this.
Dispose Your Germs Off: Cough or sneeze into a disposable tissue that is instantly discarded to avoid contaminating others.
Keep Limiting Contamination:If a member of the family or household is infected with swine flu, then contact with the person should be limited. Only one person should be designated for that person's care to limit the infection. Contaminated surfaces such as door knobs, flush handles, remote controls and other common surfaces should be regularly wiped clean with disinfectant.
Should I get Vaccinated Against Swine Flu?
While many medical practitioners believe that H1N1 vaccination is the most crucial step against preventing swine flu, others are of the opinion that the vaccine may not really matter much because the virus strain may keep mutating. In case the virus strain mutates, then the vaccine will be of no help against swine flu infections. While the vaccine against swine flu is now freely available in India at affordable rates, you should go for the vaccination only after consulting your medical practitioner.

Note: Please consult your Doctor for more details and guidance. This is just for the general awareness of the readers
Best Regards
Prakash Nair

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