Thursday, 10 January 2013

[] All the world 's a Stage...


Inspirational Ideas

Some inspirational ideas and quotes from the great Seer Poets can become like mantras. They invoke and explain powerful ideas with a poetic flow that touches the soul. These are a few quotes and ideas that have frequently inspired me.


We may be proud of our current situation, but we
can never take our fate for granted.We play many
parts' reminds us that we can experience life from
any perspective. It is a reminder of the golden rule
to love thy neighbour as thyself. As a part we play
today, maybe very different tomorrow.

Love vs Power
The nature of the mind is to wish to exercise power.
But, when we strive for power, peace disappears.
If we replace the love of power, with the power of love,
the world will be changed. It is our heart power that
can bring peace and not the battle for supremacy.

The Nature of Love

In human love there is often attachment and desire.
We love, but there is a partial desire to benefit ourselves.
The real divine love is unconditional. We love for love's
sake and are not influenced by outer circumstances.
In real love, forgiveness comes spontaneously.
There is no sense of sacrifice, only love.

The Nature of Self

Walt Whitman's classic opening from 'Song of Myself'
is a joyful reminder of our highest self – our real self.
It is a reminder of the underlying oneness we have with
creation. The Vedic Seers wrote many centuries ago that
our inner nature is delight. This is an inspiration for us to
grow from the little 'I' (ego) to the bigger I


It feel superfluous to add to this momentous line
from John Keats. An invocation of beauty and joy.

Heaven on Earth

Another epic of English poetry. A reminder heaven
is in the eye of the beholder. If we can be aware and
grateful of nature, we can see miracles everyday.


In the outer life, we see teeming imperfection.
The human mind is apt to criticise and condemn.
But, from a different consciousness and a different
perspective we see the spirit behind the material world.

God is Love

God can be described in many ways, but the
greatest is love.


Everybody want to change the world, but who wants
to love the world? We can love the world, by first
loving ourselves in a divine way.


Hope is essential in human life.

Love v Hate

Love is long suffering,
love is kind,
it is not jealous,
love does not boast,
it is not inflated.

Inner Peace

We can buy many things in this world, but inner peace
can never be bought – only cultivated by our inner attitude.
But, if we have inner peace, we have everything.

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