Thursday, 18 October 2012



"The beauty that will save the world is the love that shares the pain."

I just want to let you know

You mean the world to me
Only a heart as dear as yours
Would give so unselfishly
The many things you've done
All the times that you were there
Help me know deep down inside
How much you really care
Even though I might not say
I appreciate all you do
Richly blessed is how I feel
Having grandparents just like you

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Once in very, very olden times, the people of Romanian thought that the old people are an unnecessary encumbrance. They are weak and old and are unable to do any work. What is the use of keeping such people? They have already lived their life time. So they decided to kill all the old people in the country. All the old people above the age of fifty were ordered to be killed. Lots of wise and old people were killed and a store-house of wisdom, knowledge and experience was destroyed.

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A young man had a great love and respect for his father. He did not want him to be killed. He hid him in a cellar and took good care of him. He always consulted his father in the time of difficulty and trouble. Nobody knew that the old man was living.

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As the years passed terrible drought overtook the country and brought famine in its wake. The people had a lot of sufferings, troubles and sickness. The stores of food grains were fully exhausted. They did not have a single grain of seed to sow in the land. They were helpless to solve this problem. Everybody looked worried.

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The old man saw everything from his cellar. He asked his son the cause of his worry. The son told him about the problem the country was facing. The old man thought for a while and then said. Dont worry, my son! Dont tell it to any one for the time being. Take your plough and plough up the lane in front of your house, then rake it over. The son did just as his father had advised.

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The rains came and wheat, barely, oats and beans began to sprout out of the ground at some places. Soon the news spread about this unheard thing. The people were surprised to see a man reaping when he had not sown anything. The old man had advised his son to do so, because he knew from his experience that when the people bring their crop home many seeds drop on the ground in the way. He was sure that some seeds may be lying un-noticed in the lane in front of his house. He was proved right.

Soon the king summoned the boy to know the secret of his wisdom. After a lot ofhesitationthe boy told the king that his old father had advised him to do so. The king was wonder-struck at the wisdom of the old man. He asked the boy to bring his old father to the court, because he wanted to reward him. After all the old man had saved the life of the whole nation by his sagacious advice.

After this incident the people of that country did not kill their old people. They loved and respected them. The treated them as a valuable treasure for the nation.

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Moral of this Story

You must love and respect your old people. Your parents and grand parents need your love and care. In old age people dont have must to do, so they begin to feel lonely. They need your company. The old people become physically weak and inactive. The old age affects their mental health also. They become irritable and demanding like children. They seek your attention as the child does. The young people often do not understand this change in the behavior of the elderly people.

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Old age is the most difficult part of the lifes journey. It is your duty to make this part of the life of the old as comfortable as you can. If a person is happy at heart he always feels young. If we keep our old people well and cheerful, they will always feel young and happy even in their old years. Besides the physical care the old people need your company. Sit with them and give them your company. Make the old people feel that they are not an unnecessary burden, but they are most wanted and loved. Give the old a feeling that you look forward to them for their advice and guidance in life. Make them feel wanted, respect, loved and cared for. Keep your elders well and cheerful, if you want their guidance and earn their blessing in life.

Aano bhadra krtavo yantu vishwatah. (-RIG VEDA)
"Let noble thoughts come to me from all directions"

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