Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Re: [www.keralites.net] Religion for what?{please read}


Your idea is great...
But religion and politics are like identical twins - both are business, crave for money and power, both give immense protection  and cover up (  do whatever you fantasize and assert you did it in the name of religion or God... you are okay ! )
As Velupillai put it 'touching the inner self '  is tedious, selfless and worse still anti-propagandist . Hence it is not a sell out among exhibitionist religiosity; most important no power attached to it ( " what do I benefit ?" ).   My humble experience ( and rule of thumb) is 'you can completely trust and rely on a person who never talks about religion - he will be down-to-earth honest; never want to hurt you; absolutely never think about hurting you or killing you.
And I admit my brain is too small to engulf the magnanimity incorporated in the concept of God - just human.

From: mogan mariappan <homogannoraini@yahoo.com>
To: Keralites <Keralites@YahooGroups.com>
Sent: Tuesday, September 25, 2012 9:44:24 AM
Subject: Fw: [www.keralites.net] Religion for what?{please read}
The comments so far seems universal, to which I and alot others would subscribe to.  That said, my reply to  ICS Menon about the " great painter " M F Hussain would be this,  why did he choose to paint about the " GODS " of one particular community?  He would have been a great painter if he had  gone on to paint  the " GODS " & the prophets of all the other religions and communities in the way he did for the " GODS " of this particular one community.  Q - Why did he not do so ?  & and equally important why only a small minority protested. Yes, " we are all human beings.  We cannot think and do like animals with no judging powers ".  Now, which takes precedent being a Human Being or Religion and its GOD(S)?  The problem starts when Religion and GOD(S) is placed in the forefront and humanity is lost to the people.  My GOD says this, my religion preaches this and therefore I would do so accordingly, without for once reasoning out whether it is right to do so as a Human Being.
If as Abraham PC quotes the bishop " We all represent as people from the world.  There is no religion, no nation or any such.".  Would it not be beautiful if there had been no preaching , no need for conversion, no need to highlighting my "GOD"  is  greater or better than your "GOD". (do not the religions of India follow this, and they are at peace at least religiously ). GOD of what ever faith cannot be more than ONE. Individual  need to analyse his GOD within oneself and move from religion on to the path of spirituality, which is a thougher path.  I believe it is only on the path of spirituality would there be acceptance that we are all Human Beings born into this world with a destiny to seek and reach the ONE GOD that has placed us all in this world.  Only on this path would we see the acceptance that each religion is equal to and not inferior to the other and that all these religious path are towards spirituality.  It cannot be said that there  would be no movies, no cartoons,  no paintings, and no infidel labelling etc.  This will continue so long as Human Beings are caught in the circle of ego and superiority of one's religion and are not able to move out of its hold.  

Added comments with thanks from Mr Rajen &

From: Jeyasingam Veluppillai <vjeya001@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [www.keralites.net] Religion for what?{please read}

" AN interesting debate as it seems to project their views as the eyes sees only what it knows. Like wise, religion is outbound requiring an external force seeking for salvation by mercy which is unknown and spirituality is inbound to know who you are within through subtle will experiencing inner bliss. Once you know or touched the inner being, the rest is secondary because the soul is eternal, omnipresent and in wisdom its infinity...Aum  "


From: Abraham P.c. <pc_abraham1944@yahoo.in>
To: Keralites <Keralites@YahooGroups.com>
Sent: Monday, September 24, 2012 1:57 AM
Subject: Re: [www.keralites.net] Religion for what?{please read}
I remember this incident of the past with full respect. When we first reached Moon, our Bishop said, Now we all represent as people from the world. There is no religion, no nation or any such. How great this view is. We are just human being. We cannot think or do like animals with no judging power. One side we try to break the world records and achievements and other side we are beating the worst crime records. What a contrast?

From: musthafa sa <musthafasa2002@yahoo.com>
To: "Keralites@yahoogroups.com" <Keralites@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Sunday, 23 September 2012 9:45 PM
Subject: [www.keralites.net] Religion for what?{please read}
dear sir this is very informative article what you wrote here,i am really appreciated you sir,i would like to request you here with that you may try to write always this platform for the people sir.!!!! with due respect.>>>>>>>>> 
Regards,& love.
From: ICS MENON <ics_menon@yahoo.com>
To: Keralites <Keralites@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Sunday, September 23, 2012 2:22 PM
Subject: [www.keralites.net] Religion for what?


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