Monday, 17 October 2011

[] Today In The WORD: Monday, October 17, 2011


Today In The WORD
Monday, October 17, 2011

Persuasive Invitation!

Verse for Today

Isaiah 55:1 – Come, all you who are thirsty, come to the waters; and you have no money, come, buy and eat! Come, buy wine and milk without money and without cost.

God extends a grand invitation to all the thirsty and hungry souls to go to Him to quench their thirst and satisfy their hunger. He offers enough and more of His living water and food for the weary souls. He invites all his listeners irrespective of who they are. He has paid the price to give them the drink and the food and so He bears all the cost. He knows that these thirsty and hungry souls are poor destitute. They are tempted by the enemy of their souls to go to his broken cisterns to drink the lukewarm water which will make them more miserable, and it will cost their whole life. But what God offers is priceless because it is of eternal value. He gives the best that any one could ever have or imagine. Even though these miserable souls are invited to drink and eat freely, they are invited to the banquet house of the Lord and can enjoy these blessings with dignity and decorum. They will be served with love and compassion. They will be treated as guests and not as beggars. God offers His best for man because God knows that this is the only way man could ever meet his needs now and through eternity. God's invitation is also a loving and compassionate persuasion. He gives it to each person according to the depth of his or her need and capacity to take. Each one can have as much they desire. All who eat and drink from the banquet house of the Lord will realize the glory of the giver more than the gift. His magnanimity and compassion are demonstrated through the gift and the way the needy person is treated. Today God offers His ever satisfying drink and food of His grace, love and mercy to all the weary, broken hearted and burdened people to heal their hearts, emotions and souls and make them spiritually healthy and strong so that they can use it all for His glory.

Dear reader, are you a thirsty and hungry soul today? Are you able to hear the invitation of the Lord to go to Him? Yes, He is not only inviting you, but also knocking at the door of your heart with His gifts in His hands. He is beseeching and persuading you to open. You don't need to go thirsty and hungry any longer. You also need not go after the broken cisterns of wealth, education, technology, prominence, popularity and prestige which will never quench your thirst or satisfy your hunger. As a matter of fact, these will only make you thirstier for these worthless things and to leave you unquenched as days go by. Going after these worthless things is utterly meaningless and useless. Yet they advertise falsely that they will satisfy us. God sent His Son to open a stream and a fountain of living water and heavenly bread on the cross of Calvary for all the thirsty and hungry souls. He offers it free for those who are willing to open their mouths. Jesus Himself is the living water and the bread of Heaven. His word is the pure milk which flows from Heaven and He is the living Word. As we taste Him and His Word, we would have the privilege to continue to drink from Him to fill us with His Word and with His glory. When His glory fills us to overflowing, it will take full control over our thoughts, emotions and desires. Our craving for the lukewarm drinks of this world will give way to more of the glory of the Lord. It will take away our weariness and fill us with His power through His Spirit. Thus we will be able to enjoy Him and His Word, grow into His likeness, live as His witnesses and attract others to come to Him to drink and eat from His banquet hall.  

John 7:37 – On the last and greatest day of the Feast, Jesus stood and said in a loud voice, "If any one is thirsty, let him come to Me and drink.

Thought for Today

Heavenly drink and bread are free of cost to all who desire it, but God paid the greatest price for it through the life of His Only Begotten Son.

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