Saturday, 25 June 2016

[] Spiritualism!


Spiritualism-the basic road to TOE (Theory of Everything)

Spirit means breath. When you take a decision, you breathe in. When you want to be determined, you take a very deep breath. When you go on taking action you keep the breath as long as possible. When you relent you breathe out. When you surrender in despair you leave the breath completely and very hesitatingly breathe in-half breath. Breathing, thought, action, decision all mental faculties, are closely related. The other words for breath also called soul are Atma in Sanskrit, Psyche in Greek, Anima in Latin, Pneuma in Greek, and Ruah in Hebrew...

The Holistic approach starts with Pranayama or regulating the breath to achieve thought control. There was a time when the Human organism did not develop the cortex or the analytical mind, and breathing, smelling, sensing and perceiving were synonyms. The organism could distinguish among 10000 different smells and act or act instantly, reflexively without being handicapped by the analysing cortex. Fight or flights were the options in those days. Worry, cowardice, 'terror nursing', indecision... were not there.

Quantum Physics has expanded the effect of spiritualism to the macro level. Your notice converts super positional waves into sub atomic particles. The notice can be only from the unconscious as you cannot see the things in the invisible spectrum. Your breathing and the perception process are parts of the Universe in operation.

Spiritualism thus is participation actively in the Universe.

The super positional waves can be actually waves of consciousness. Understanding, feeling, perceiving and breathing were totally integrated into one single process, when the sense of smell was the faculty of perception. You can understand and participate in the rhythm and change of the Universe when you can perceive and feel totally and when you do not arrest yourself in the visible spectrum. The only method of seeing and perceiving and feeling everything is not by surrendering your own organs to technology, but by sharpening your own organs. Machines are making our organs redundant. When you always use a car, your legs gradually become dysfunctional. Everything obeys the basic rule—use it or lose it.

The pioneer in ushering the spiritual path in ultimately reconciling the Quantum Theory and the Theory of Relativity,with the spiritual path, is Fritzof Capra—the author of the most enthralling book—Tao of Physics. I have been reading now four books simultaneously besides referring to a few other books. They are 1) The Tao of Physics by Fritzof Capra,2)Three Roads to Quantum Gravity by Lee Smolin,3)The Speed of Time by Sharad Nalawade and 4)The Spectrum of Consciousness by Ken Wilber.

I am now convinced that the so called progress in the development of the Strings Theory, The M Theory family, The Loop Quantum Gravity Theory, The concept of the Universe as a Hologram, The study of Black holes, Wormholes etc will never reach the final conclusion, unless the spiritual path where knowing becomes living is included. Unbiased observation is meaningless. You have to live in the subject and participate in the subject.

In fact Astrology has a key role in the development of the TOE. Astrology is the subject that recognizes one as a part of the Universe, not someone dethatched from the Universe. It strives to look ahead before we go there.

Feeling proud at being imprisoned in the visible spectrum and repeating the words etc developed by the limitation of the visible spectrum, is a very false pride. At the quantum level you are just flows of energies with not even a clear definition. You are in fact part of the space-time continuum the curved space-time continuum.

The best method of self study is your breathing, which is actually participation in the cosmos. One has to feel a subject matter to know it completely. In fact the best teacher is one who feels his subject happily and makes his students participate in the enjoyment, not one who drills marks spinning points for grades.


Posted by: Cool Kis <>
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