Friday, 6 November 2015

[] Open letter to Army Chief


Is this gonna be future our Great Nation?


Dear Gen Dalbir,

Yesterday, I had received an intimation from a friend that the AG was going around the Country meeting veterans, canvassing support for the present Govt. I could not believe the info and so requested in the veterans' netwk, for some veteran frm Chandigarh area to confirm. The news has since been confirmed. Both letters are reproduced below,

I am shocked and surprised to know that you have commissioned your SO to engage in a purely political activity. This is against all Army Rules and Regs.

This is not the first time that you have done so. You accompanied, in uniform, the RM in a meeting with Baba Ramdev, whose political leanings and utterances are well known to the whole World. The pictures of the three of you, were splashed in all National and regional newspapers.

On Sep 05, '15, you and the other Service Chiefs, flanked the RM while he read out an announcement which was essentially a purely political one aimed at garnering votes in the Bihar elections.

Must the COAS be reminded of the regulation that it is not incumbent to obey a patently illegal order. It is illegal, for a serving soldier to indulge in, associate with, or be an accessory to, knowingly or unknowingly, political activity of any kind. Such an act disqualifies a soldier from wearing uniform.

All soldiers, serving and retired, have been keenly watching your activities, or lack of it, connected with their welfare, on numerous occasions. A soldier is not an 'Organised' force and rightly so since no Nation can afford them to indulge in the kind of activities that an organised force is permitted to, (The War the IAS is waging on the Whats App is an example).

A soldier is bound by Acts, Regulations and Rules, including that all-encompassing Sec 63 of the AA. Their eyes are, 24x7, riveted on the enemy. His back, therefore, needs to be watched. It is the job of the three SCs and the RM to do so, but the World has observed that over the last 68 yrs, the soldier has, instead, been short changed and repeatedly stabbed on his back, and that too quietly with weapons as sharp as a stiletto. The person dies before he realises that he is been stabbed!

In view of the above, we suggest that you immediately recall the AG from whatever you have sent him for. We also earnestly call upon you that instead of being an accessory to the blatant politicisation of the Def Forces, you and your senior SOs, concentrate on the welfare of the soldier, both serving and veteran. It is your bounded duty to do so. That's what you read on the walls of the Chetwode Hall, as you passed through in your last march at IMA.

Time you lived it dear Gen.

Yours sincerely,

Lt Col Samuel Dhar


Posted by: Suresh <>
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