Strange case of a Bangalore man who found he was a pilot of Dutch origin in his previous life : -
Susheel Nair, 39, a Bangalore-based restaurant owner, is a changed man from what he was till a few years ago.
In 2004, he was extremely troubled with repeated dreams of an aeroplane crashing into a building. Stressed by constant nightmares, he developed a chronic problem of acidity. On undergoing past life regression therapy sessions, it dawned on Nair that in his previous birth he was a pilot of Dutch origin.
I frequented many allopathic doctors who had no remedy for my ailment. I wrote to US-based psychiatrist Dr Brian Weiss who put me through to Dr Newton Kondaveti, a past life regression therapist in India, to delve deeper into the reasons behind my anxiety and guilt, Nair said.
Nair travelled to Hyderabad for a session with Kondaveti. I visualised in the therapy that in the fifties, I was manoeuvring a turbo prop engine airplane in Germany. It had approximately 50 passengers on board. I asked the doctor if I was imagining things. He asked me to research air crashes dealing with Dutch airlines in Germany.
Much to his surprise, the air crash database threw up phenomenal results. There was a Royal Dutch Airlines, Douglas DC 6 turbo prop engine plane that crashed into a building on March 22, 1952. Up to 42 people, including the pilot and an 11-year-old boy were killed in the crash, Nair said.
The anxiety and guilt at having killed the passengers from his past life were giving Nair nightmares. After coming to terms with the tragedy, his acidity trouble disappeared, Dr Newton Kondaveti said.
On October 19 and 20, Kondaveti organised a past life regression workshop in Mumbai with 40 participants. He, however, believes that therapies such as past life regression are not an alternative to allopathic medicines.
Psychiatrists though advice to take such explanations with a pinch of salt. There is no evidence about existence of past life. Past life regression falls under the realm of para psychology and is a combination of human fantasy and suggestion, said Dr Harish Shetty, a Mumbai-based psychiatrist. |
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