"It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it" – Aristotle.
(Me: That's how it should always be. But for most of those in our part of the globe, "education" is all about mugging up or learning by rote, securing a pass and then getting a job. Education rarely opens our eyes – or rather mind – about unscientific and superstitions beliefs and mindless rituals)
Adventure is worthwhile in itself.
(Me: yep, as the adage goes, jo darr gaya, who mar gaya)
Tongue very much in cheek…
Dear Week, I'm so over you. I'm leaving you for your best friend, Weekend, Love (not really), Me.
From the world of science…
A gel that repairs nerves, may reverse paralysis.
Scientists have developed a new restorative gel which they claim increases nere growth and healing and may help in reversing paralysis. Through a biodegradable implant in combination with the newly-developed guiding regeneration gel (GRG) that increases nerve growth and healing, the functionality of a torn or damaged nerve could ultimately be restored, researchers say.
Listening to classical music while eating helps you eat less since you tend to mimic the slow pace of the rhythm.
Dab a dish towel soaked in cold black or green tea to soothe burns.
Weird world…
Firefighters rescue cop stuck trying to rescue cat.
New York: Firefighters had to rescue an NYPD officer study in a tree after the cop climbed up to try and save a cat in Queens. The FDNY said it received a call at 2.40 pm for a police officer stuck in a tree near a public elementary school in Bayside.
Mumbai: Medicines worth Rs.41 lakhs turn salt!
.. The driver and cleaner of the truck that carried the medicines made the switch en route from Jaipur to Mumbai.
Tweet of the day: @neetakolkatkar: after all possible ways to delay going to jail, now sunjay dutt asks for choice of jail. Some are super lucky"
Courtesy: Mumbai Mirror
Cartoon quip..
1st archeologist: "Look! A gold coin with Tendulkar's face on it!
2nd archeologist: "That's how long he has been playing?!!, WOW"
(Me: a take on some smart marketing guys having come out with a special edition gold coin with the little cricket master's face, and on the way he has been going on, on, on, on……)
Q: What do you call a bug with manners?
A: A lady bug.
"Patience is bitter; but its fruit is sweet" – Jean-Jacques Rousseau
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