Tuesday, 9 October 2012

[www.keralites.net] : RIGHTEOUSNESS


         We have experimented with a number of political ,economic and social systems for ourselves like Marxism, communism socialism, Capitalism, welfare state, Mixed economy and so on.
    But none has held to be fool proof till now. In ancient India a political ,economic and social system aiming Dharma as the ultimate  was in practice. Great Kings like Mahabali , Chandra Gupta maurya, Asoka ,Harsha etc attained Greatness and took the welfare of the people by leaps and bounds basing their Political, social and economic policies on Dharma. Indias golden age of Hinduism was under these concepts and Under these great Kings the light of  human civilisation was held burring high and stood as a beacon of civilisation and progress.
   with the advent of the evil priestly class all these concepts vanished and Hindutva became corrupt and was bended and twisted to suit the selfish and evil needs of these priestly class. now these principles for human good and progress is patinised and is not used much by anyone except when reflected in policies inadvertently and accidentally. Now all concepts are anglicanised and foreingnised. the Indians are themselves forgetting themselves, that they were the leaders in civilisation and Pioneers in human welfare.
    Dharma........ means   Nanma(Malayalam)  righteousness or  Good .
Even in the Bhagavat Gita  it is said that when Dharma suffers ,Almighty will take birth as human to save it and reestablish it.
 Yadha yadha he dharmasea                                                                             glanir bahvathi bharata
abuthanam adharmasia
Thadmanium shjamiahum
          In the court of the Hindu Kings people of special knowledge and capacities were selected and matters for administration of the country etc were debated and the correct and good way found to  do things for the good of the country and the people.
   This is a Democratic way of getting peoples representatives with knowledge and wisdom to get at the good things for peoples and country's welfare. For selecting These representatives opinions were got from people about the competence of the court members,this way a type of election was prevalent. thus it is quite explicit that in the ancient Hindu India democracy thrives with the king as the head as is the president of the U S A in present times.
    What a pity democracy has its beginning in ancient India and only later , the       people of the other great nations are adopting these .We the Indians forgets and runs  after foreigners to regain things they got from here and adopt it as foreign made imported things It is time that we look back into ourselves and ascertain out true nature and adopt the concept of Dharma as a way of life  for the people and the country ,in the  political , economic and social spheres.
     Dharma implies and means  Good/righteousness.   Just adhere to  Good things for the people and the country as achieved by debates and deductions among the public .in  Parliament, assemblies and  rajya sabha in the governance of the economic, social and political spheres of the country or the countries of the world. This is the best and will always be the best way to govern and mould  policies for the progress of the humans in peace and prosperity ,to achieve Paramount achievements .Dharma-ism means doing good things ,whatever principles from, for the people and the country or rather the world.
      A political concept so simple and so complete ,but forgotten and patinised.Where  All isims were a   failure  only Dharma-isim can succeed.
3/604,Manipuram lane
Nadakav, Calicut-673011
Kerala State


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