Tuesday 5 June 2012

Ungrateful Children

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Do You Feel  That One Of Your Adult
Children Is Totally Ungrateful For 
The  Sacrifices  That You Made?
To give his/her a decent upbringing and,
how do you feel  about it  when his/her,
says  hurtful  things about his/her childhood?
For  some reason it is beyond  me why some,
children  are  so ungrateful  to their parents,
I can't understand  how some children can
do and say  what they do to their parents.
How  can  a child  forgotten what their ,
parents sacrificed  to give  them  the best life,
they  could.
Gratefulness  is one  of  the  Qualities  that,
we  are  expected  to  have  and  should ,
have  but  it is  missing  in all  too many cases.
There  are  some  children  for  whom nothing,
will   help  no matter  what  you do  for,
them  they're  not happy and  no matter,
what  you do for them  they  will   not  see,
it  as  a  favor  or  as  something  good.
Many  people  see that  their children are,
ungrateful   so  those  who  surround  them,
in   many  cases  try  harder to do  more in,
order  to  make  the  child  grateful...
It  usually  doesn't  work.
Some  children are  not  going  to  be grateful.
Some  Children  are not  going  to  appreciate,
anything  that you do for them ,
no matter  how  hard you try.
Parents  do  everything in order to raise their,
children  the way that they would like  for ,
their children  to be and  the way they want,
to see  them grow up  and sometimes the,
children  do appreciate it, but in all  to,
many  cases  their children are ungrateful.
Ungrateful  Daughter
Ungrateful   child  why should  you deprive,
your  mother  of her Joy ?
Mother  comforts  us  with steadfast love,
and constant  care.
She  tries to perform her duty as a mother,
and  yet  you chose to give her strife.
Mother is  our reason for  our ,
sweet yesterday  yet  you don't trust her.
Mother  is our best friend in good times,
and  rocks  our world  in time of sorrow.
She  works all day to give  you a better,
Mother  is  the Field in which our,
hearts take  root.
She fills  our  day  with  light.
Her  soft heart always  sings  songs of,
happiness for  your ungrateful  heart
Our life  she  prides  to be part.
She  is  the sunshine  in our  morning,
and  the star  in our sky.
Her love  is  endless  and cannot be explain
as  it comes  from true devotion,
and sacrifice of pain.
Why  do you burn her with your lies,
in  unbreakable chain ?
She never thought that her water would,
floats rivers  so poisoned that she,
could  hardly breathe
She can't  stop crying and shaking
She sits in misery  because her lonely ,
heart is breaking.
Sorrow is the virus that dreads her tomorrow
Repent ungrateful  daughter
You only have a heart of stone
How is she suppose to face life when her,
daughter  hates  her to the very bone!
Have  a  beautiful day

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