Saturday, 2 June 2012

(Trinity) God teachings or Man's


God teachings or Man's
Some  people  believe in the Trinity teachings
if this is true  then why isn' the word Trinity
in the bible".
people  believe that God Jesus and  the ,
Holy  Spirit  is one God.
Jesus  and his Father  are one, just like a,
husband  and wife  are  one.
they  are in union with each other  but they,
are two  different people  but  are on one,
accord   with each other... Like  Jesus ,
and  God
They  say that God  Jesus And  The,
Holy  Spirit  are  all  equal.
none higher, lesser or greater.
Read   John 14-28... where Jesus is telling,
his disciples  the Father is greater than, himself that  alone  tells  us that Jesus is not ,
equal  to God also read  Matthew 3-16
Jesus  is  the son of God...
not  God himself... also turn your bibles,
over to John-3-16  which tells us that God,
gave us  his only begotten son...again
this also prove that Jesus is not God...
Now if Jesus  was God, why then do  it,
says in Matthew 24-36
concerning that  day and hour nobody knows,
neither  the  angels  of heavens nor the son.
But  only  the Father
Now  if  Jesus  was God...wouldn't he ,
know of that day and hour?
Read  John 11-41... Before Jesus Rose ,
Lazarus from the dead  who was Jesus ,
praying  to? was it himself ? of course not..
He was  praying to the Father.
now if  Jesus  was God  why then would
he  pray to himself ? make no sense
Jesus  is the son of God...and the scriptures
proves it... still i can't even find  the word,
Trinity in the Bible... matter of the fact,
in any bible...
The Trinity is man  teaching...and not God's
God  has  no beginning nor  end
Jesus  has a beginning and also he died  and,
rose  in three days  if Jesus was God then,
who  was  running things when God,
was  dead for those three days?