Thursday, 1 December 2011

[] designer spotlight: mart


designer spotlight: martín azúa

Martín Azúa is a designer living in Barcelona.  as a designer, his philosophy is based on the idea of "global communication for a local life." because information can be spread so easily in our society, there should be no limit to how one uses it specifically, globally understood information should be applied on a local level.
he bases his design strategy off of natural processes and life cycles. in nature, nothing is wasted and nothing is free every action has a reaction and every thing is recycled Martín uses this idea to form his designs.
in 1999, he started a project called Natural Finish where he placed jars made of ceramics in riverbeds to collect a natural stain.  all really beautiful pieces, i think.
another project involving nature is called The Inner Life. this project includes a series of useful/functional objects made for humans that serve a second purpose as a home/shelter for animals and plants.  the chair connects vegetation, animals and humans with one multi-functional object.

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