Thursday, 1 December 2011

[] cinemagraphs



Jamie Beck and Kevin Burg are a blogging duo that have created a new kind of moving image called a cinemagraph – "A Cinemagraph is an image that contains within itself a living moment that allows a glimpse of time to be experienced and preserved endlessly."  with a strong Tumblr presence, many large brands have reached out to the team about commissioning them to create cinemagraphs and post them on their blog.  they both reside in new york, so naturally, a good portion of the cinemagraphs are around the city.   many people have photographed new york before, but i have never seen it captured like this.  it's amazing what a little animation can do to a photo.
in uncontrolled environments (outside the studio), you can never be fully sure that the cinemagraph will work out. beck is the tech side of the operation.  he will focus in on one object in the photograph, take a series of frames, and then import the images. to animate the single object he has chosen, beck will then apply pinpoint light to make it appear moving.  cinemagraphs are like living photographs, on an endless loop that never ends.  jamie and kevin teamed up with model Coco Rocha to do a series of cinemagraphs, check them out:
what is interesting is their platform for launching these moving images: tumblr and twitter. having a huge following on both of these sites made it easy for them to get their work out there and made brands more willing to hire them.  as they already had a gigantic built-in audience through social media, brands like Juicy Couture jumped on the chance to have the duo create moving images in their ads.  jamie and kevin are a great team because not only is the actual photograph always interesting and well clearly well thought-out, but the animation is seamless and SO real.
here is the ad Juicy Couture commissioned from the two.  if i saw this ad on the side of a website, it would definitely catch my eye.  can't wait to see what more they can come up with!

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