Good idea.. I would like my bungalow as a separate nation.I only hope it happens in my lifetime and I can enjoy my rule over mysovereign country.SANJEEVOn Monday, 14 September, 2020, 08:45:37 am IST, Xavier William [aryayouthgroup] <> wrote:It does not have to be a billion. The countries of Eastern Europe such as Ukraine, Latvia, Poland etc won over the collective will of the USSR. The mighty UK has conducted a survey in Scotland to determine the will of the Scottish people. It is a matter of time before others are also forced to conduct surveys like the ones in Eastern Europe or in the UK.On Sun, 13 Sep 2020 at 21:14, sanjeev kulkarni [aryayouthgroup] <> wrote:Of course, will of over a billion people will win. No dispute on this.SANJEEVOn Sunday, 13 September, 2020, 06:40:26 pm IST, Xavier William [aryayouthgroup] <> wrote:What I said is that the will of the people will win... I do not know what the Kashmiri will is. I also said that as long as they do not resort to peaceful methods, world will not support them and that too is going be a critical factor in the globalised world.. In fact by resorting to violence and terrorism they are acting against their own best of interests.On Sun, 13 Sep 2020 at 11:20, sanjeev kulkarni [aryayouthgroup] <> wrote:It seems you do not know what the Kashmiris want. They are nothappy to get equal rights that are given to citizens of India..They want the right to deny any rights to non-Muslims. They wantshariah law. They are not happy Muslims are treated at par withevery other citizen. It is not their ideal state if you knowwhat are the principles of Caliphate. They do not want othersto practice their religions.. They want only Islam to be followed.If these are their principles and mentality due to madarsa educationand believe allah will give them rewards for slaughtering non-Muslims,they deserve to remain losers for the whole of their life. It is not fornothing Europeans who welcomed them initially are now throwing themout and deliberately provoking and insulting Islam. Why this hatredis created in the minds of non-muslims wherever they go? Why thereare no anti-Hindu, anti-Parsee, Anti-Buddhist riots in Europe orBuddha cartoons? Stop sympathising with regressive forces like Kashmiris.They are bound to ruin themselves.SANJEEVOn Sunday, 13 September, 2020, 10:53:02 am IST, Xavier William [aryayouthgroup] <> wrote:In the past political aims were attained by violence. But the days of violence are over. Now political aims are attained by world public opinion.Thus India got its independence with non-violence and world public opinion. Similarly South Africa got rid of apartheid by a nonviolent struggle backed up by public opinion..Kashmir would have had far more success if they had resorted to peaceful methods along the lines of Gandhi and Mandela which would have embarrassed the Indian government. By resorting to violence they have forfeited any chance of success in their struggle.Khalistanis also resorted to violence which destroyed any chance of their success. What is more, I doubt whether the Khalistanis have the kind of ground support that the Kashmiri militants have.Situations will last if they are win-win situations. But in Kashmir no one wins. Instead there both India and Pakistan spend enormous sums of resources which could have been put to the benefit of the people. The only ones who benefit from the situation are the arms manufacturers of the world and their agents in India. But the biggest losers in the struggle are the people of Kashmir generations of whom are entangled in this senseless struggle.On Sun, 13 Sep 2020 at 09:58, sanjeev kulkarni [aryayouthgroup] <> wrote:Chanakya also said "don't bother about the discontent of the peopleonly ensure that they do not get a leader".We only need to cut off the supply lines of these movements. It willdie down. Once the government decided enough is enough of politicalexploitation of Khalistan movement, it took only a few operations tomake this movement and its brave lions vanish without a trace. Youmust also take into account sentiments of larger sections of societyagainst these fringe groups. Whatever your social theories, they willshatter on the hard surface of reality and iron will of the majoritycommunity.SANJEEVOn Sunday, 13 September, 2020, 06:28:17 am IST, Xavier William [aryayouthgroup] <> wrote:In his classical work 'the Prince' Machiavelli has stated clearly that the power of a prince depends upon the love of the people. Long before him there was Chanakya and I think he has also said much the same thing.The laws of physics and chemistry can be proved by physical measurement. In contrast the laws of the social sciences cannot be proved by physical measurements. For instance the law of supply and demand cannot be proved by measurements. Nonetheless it is there. Similarly in politics the will of the people though not very apparent does persist and win. In contrast political theories like integrity of nations were trumped up by powermongers to serve their interests and are doomed to give way to the will of the people. Remember there were political theories like the divine right of kings which were held as potent theories in the past. Now if anyone were to propose such theories he would be confined to the mad house. In politics the greatest force depends on the welfare of the people and it will win in the end over armies and guns and French fighter planes.On Sat, 12 Sep 2020 at 23:41, sanjeev kulkarni [aryayouthgroup] <> wrote:There is no such law of nature as stated by you. Period!SANJEEVOn Saturday, 12 September, 2020, 03:00:37 pm IST, Xavier William [aryayouthgroup] <> wrote:Sanjeev,It is not a matter of a billion people like it or not, it is a law of nature that the will of the Kashmiri people will be implemented in Kashmir, that of the Punjabis in Punjab, that of the Tamils in TN and so on. It is not a matter of if the will of the people will be implemented but when it will be implemented. What is more if and when a state becomes independent one or more of its districts may seek their own independence. In the future smaller countries have a better chance of success than big countries especially in places like India and China where diversity to complex to manage easily. In contrast in countries like the US there is homogeneity and states enjoy far more autonomy for the states than we have and so it may not be necessary for them to decentralize further or go in for independent states.On Sat, 12 Sep 2020 at 14:13, sanjeev kulkarni [aryayouthgroup] <> wrote:First thing, as per the constitution and its provisions power is very much decentralized to the village level. There are enough checks and balances to ensure the rights of individual guaranteed by the constitution are not infringed. You have an independent legal system with provisions of appeal to higher authorities if you are not satisfied with the judgement given.
Purpose of any law is to ensure welfare, survival and prosperity of the majority of people. If any fringe group starts advocating separate rights at the cost of the welfare of general society and national
integrity/sovereignty, they are curbed. No rights are absolute. Your rights and obligations towards society are balanced. You have freedom of expression. But if you shout fire in the crowded theatre with an intention to cause a stampede, it will attract punishment due to mala fide intentions....... You have freedom of movement as long as you are not a criminal.
Or it it taken away and you are put behind the bars.
Kashmir 'solution' will result in bloodbath competing with nuclear holocaust. When Gandhi was leading Hindus, four million people died during partition of India. You can imagine what will happen today.
Also, Kashmir and Khalistan movement is not about human rights. In fact proponents of these movements want to deny any rights to non-members of their small groups. They are not happy that they get all the rights as given to all citizens to India. They want the right to deny any such rights to others. Their aim is to create a very regressive state based on their narrow brand of religion.
So live with it. No one is going to get separate Kashmir or Khalistan. And any secessionist movement will be crushed with an iron fist. Basically they are financed by foreign agencies and enemies of India. Let us not waste our time in giving fig leaf of justification to these groups.And do not have any delusions that such groups can defeat over a billion people or a strong state based on legitimacy...... It is like hoping one day ISIS will create Islamic caliphate all over the world based on Shariah denying no rights to non-Muslims and women.
SANJEEVOn Saturday, 12 September, 2020, 08:41:46 am IST, Xavier William [aryayouthgroup] <> wrote:Nature is governed by certain laws such as the laws of Physics, Chemistry, Biology etc which are immutable..Then there are laws of economics such as the Malthusian doctrine and the law of supply and demand....... These are also immutable. Many governments have tried to act against these laws and failed miserably. Sugar control, prohibition etc are actions by governments against the laws of economics and all these have failed.Then there are the laws of politics and the most important of these laws is that the will of the people will prevail in the end. Many kings and governments have tried incessantly to restrain the power of the people and failed miserably. People want to be independent and at the time they have to cooperate with others for their own good. Though these forces of independence and the forces of cooperation oppose each other some balance is inevitable for our own good. Elemental power lies with the individual. But in a true democracy the individual delegates his power to higher bodies such as the Panchayath and the state for his own good. However modern democracies have inherited power from the kings and emperors of old where power was concentrated with the king or emperor.In India we inherited power from the British and this too is too centralised. At the time of independence this may have been inevitable. But now it is high time we decentralized power to the lowest level. However power mongers are reluctant to let go of their power and so we have conflict of power between the people and states as well as with the centre. The political struggle in Kashmir and elsewhere are part of this struggle between the people and the govt. But in politics the will of the people is far more potent than any government or its armies and it is a matter of time before the will of the people establishes itself. This is a law as immutable as the laws of gravity.--The greatest knowledge is the knowledge that there is so much more to know and the greatest discovery is the discovery that there is so much more to discover"All new ideas good or bad, great or small start with a one-man minority" - anonymousA man without god is a man. A God without man is nothing!!--The greatest knowledge is the knowledge that there is so much more to know and the greatest discovery is the discovery that there is so much more to discover"All new ideas good or bad, great or small start with a one-man minority" - anonymousA man without god is a man. A God without man is nothing!!--The greatest knowledge is the knowledge that there is so much more to know and the greatest discovery is the discovery that there is so much more to discover"All new ideas good or bad, great or small start with a one-man minority" - anonymousA man without god is a man. A God without man is nothing!!--The greatest knowledge is the knowledge that there is so much more to know and the greatest discovery is the discovery that there is so much more to discover"All new ideas good or bad, great or small start with a one-man minority" - anonymousA man without god is a man. A God without man is nothing!!--The greatest knowledge is the knowledge that there is so much more to know and the greatest discovery is the discovery that there is so much more to discover"All new ideas good or bad, great or small start with a one-man minority" - anonymousA man without god is a man. A God without man is nothing!!--The greatest knowledge is the knowledge that there is so much more to know and the greatest discovery is the discovery that there is so much more to discover"All new ideas good or bad, great or small start with a one-man minority" - anonymousA man without god is a man. A God without man is nothing!!
Posted by: Xavier William <>
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