Wednesday 29 January 2020



Prof Gupta,
You have said it. We have so many problems to solve. Instead of focusing on them we are only creating more problems than solving them. It is a pity that even educated people do not realise the facts and so they go on adding fuel to the fire.
People have their differences as well as commonalities. In fact we do not agree even  with our wives and relations on everything. It is the same with the nations, but much more complicated.
I also agree with you that India has too much power at the centre and the states have to kowtow to the centre. America is a country with a uniform culture, language and everything mental. In psite of their uniformity they have a federal structure with strong states. In fact there each state has its own flag and constitution. In contrast India is a unified nation only in name and by accident. The diversity of languages and cultures of our nation is suited for strong decentralized states. Instead we have a strong center and weak states.

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From: 'Prof R K Gupta India' [Janshakti] <>
Date: Wed, 29 Jan 2020 at 08:49
To: <>


Mr R Singh
What you want to achieve by making such posts day in day out .It is not
helping any one neither this forum activities
Livng in past is bad habit . Indians seem to have speial knack fr it. Or is
it to spread hatred and continue trend with unknown objectives. Such issues
Only create unrest and sitrust between two major communities.

As human rights and welfare organiasation it does not go well with our
objectives.WE dont want to live in past and visitiate atmoshphere . How and
why partition took place is controversial. No end to accusations.

We believe india is too big to handle tha too centrally in loose federal
struture specially today when a few eccentri people with criminal
background are trtyting ooverpower state and run cuntry frm delhi. Indira
nce tried and flopped.
137 crores is just too big a number .
Best thing for interest of citizens is to have a strong federal tructure
even beter than USA and state runnin almost independently with supervisory
role only of centre . centre should as always focus on defense foreign
policy and communication.It should ony step in emergency situations.Eve our
constitutin is clear about it but it has been wounded seriously in las 2
laws like sectin 144 CrpC and NSA are draconian and british rlics. india is
running still like british colony .Only that people like Modi are trying t
act as vicerys n bealf of queen

Jingosim is on both sides .Pakistan is very much there and will exist .You
cant wish away your neigbor. I is emaningless to spread hatread with each

I personally believe if partition were not done things would have been
worse. With added 28 crore population of muslims in India and with
orgainsations like RSS active ,muslim league and others here would have
been non ceasing civil war like situation till date

Please accept that Indian state has been conceived as secular nation which
is best for it since there are actually no hindus here . Hindu is a loose
geographical name. The culture habits and languages are too diverse .
Stop talking about hindus. Muslims and so on. 98% of Indian muslims are
converted hindus . same with christians and sikhs .
What is use of allt his .what we are trying to achieve by spewing hatred
and vitriolic posts daily ?
neither islam can be abolished neither muslims or sikhs or any body. best
thing i to have harmney and future looking vision and policies.The past
should eb shoved under carpet

WE as a Forum are not interested to engage in any such purely political
issues here.

Kindly avoid such posts in future .In past too we have been requesting not
to tarnish this discussion board. let us focus on our goals. Watch for
civil liberties and human rghts is important in current and not in past .

InIndia today eevry one is suffering . The civil liberties are at lowets.
people are being persecuted. There is unrest being created ina tmoshphere
by misuse of baught media .Only hindu muslim is going on . Ruling party is
running their home on pakistan hatred.Tis is condmenable

if we as highly educated people also fall to evil plan, what will happen .

let us avid all this.

On Wed, 29 Jan 2020 07:11:04 +0530 " [Janshakti]"


The following headline when translated from German into English means,

"The Germans wish to keep the memories of NAZI cruelties against the Jews
alive. They do not want a closure on the issue."


Although the murder of six million Jews is a matter of great national
shame, the ordinary Germans still show the strength of character to not
only acknowledge this shameful and terrible event but also wish to remind
themselves regularly of those days of savagery and brutality by the NAZI
regime. For this public admission of guilt we salute the Germans for their
moral courage.

One's mind turns to Bharat where we see lack of courage to acknowledge
"PARTITION" as the worst ever unconditional surrender of one third of India
to the INDIAN version of NAZIS.

The German example ought to encourage the Indians, especially the Hindus
(and the Sikhs), to commemorate the aggression of the Muslims and the
betrayal by our own leaders like Gandhi and Nehru who did not insist on
ensuring united India in 1947 but disgraced themselves TILL ETERNITY by
failing to uphold Secularism and ensuring the UNITY of the country known as
"Bharat Mata"!

The speed of their collapse at the "Independence" (degenerated into
"PARTITION") Talks surprised even the Indian Muslims, as well as the whole
world that expected Gandhi and Nehru to stand firm in the defence of every
inch of their Motherland!


29 Jan 2020
Die Deutschen wollen keinen Schlussstrich

Am 27. Januar jährt sich die Befreiung des Konzentrationslagers Auschwitz
zum 75. Mal. Eine Umfrage im Auftrag der DW zeigt: Die Deutschen wollen die
Erinnerung an die Gräuel des Nationalsozialismus wachhalten.

Vor 75 Jahren befreite die Rote Armee die wenigen Überlebenden des
Konzentrationslagers Auschwitz. Mehr als eine Million Menschen wurden dort
ermordet, vor allem Juden gehörten zu den Opfern. 1996 wurde der 27. Januar
auf Initiative des Bundespräsidenten Roman Herzog zum offiziellen deutschen
Gedenktag für die Opfer des Nationalsozialismus, 2005 zogen die Vereinten
Nationen nach und erklärten den 27.1. zum Internationalen Tag des Gedenkens
an die Opfer des Holocausts.

Der Antisemitismus ist in den vergangenen Jahren in Deutschland
wiedererstarkt, antisemitische Gewalttaten nehmen zu und immer häufiger
werden Deutsche jüdischen Glaubens sogar auf offener Straße attackiert.
Trauriger Höhepunkt war der Anschlag in Halle am 9. Oktober 2019:
derVersuch, am höchsten jüdischen Feiertag Jom Kippur die Synagoge zu
stürmen und die 51 dort betenden Menschen zu ermorden.

Meinungsforscher Roberto Heinrich von infratest dimap

Wie wichtig ist den Deutschen in diesen Zeiten die Erinnerungskultur an den
Holocaust? Die Deutsche Welle hat infratest dimap beauftragt, diese Frage
zu untersuchen. Das Meinungsforschungsinstitut führte in einer
repräsentativen Stichprobe 1018 Telefoninterviews durch. DieErgebnisse
sind, wie es Meinungsforscher Roberto Heinrich zusammenfasst, "im Großen
und Ganzen beruhigend".

Mehrheit der Deutschen steht zurVerantwortung

Auf die Frage "Wenn Sie jetzt einmal an den Nationalsozialismus denken:
Würden Sie sagen, an die Verbrechen des Nationalsozialismus wird zu viel
erinnert, in angemessenem Umgang erinnert oder zu wenig erinnert?", gab
mehr als die Hälfte der befragten Personen an, der Umfang der
Erinnerungskultur sei genau richtig. Jedem vierten Deutschen sind diese
Erinnerungen zu viel, jeder sechste Deutsche meint hingegen, es werde in
Deutschland zu wenig an die Verbrechen des Nationalsozialismus erinnert.


"All new ideas good or bad, great or small start with a one-man minority" - anonymous

A man without god is a man. A God without man is nothing!!

The greatest knowledge is the knowledge that there is so much more to know and the greatest discovery is the discovery that there is so much more to discover


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