Wednesday, 31 July 2019

[] SPINAL CORD MAP in detail


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Very interesting and worth spending time to know about our Spinal Cord

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Annual checkups and tests such as colonoscopies and PSA assays are important, but it's not a good idea to rely on tests alone to protect you from cancer.It's just as important to listen to your body and notice anything that's different, odd, or unexplainable.

(You should also listen to those close to you, such as a wife or partner, because others sometimes notice things we're unaware of–or don't want to admit.)You don't want to join the ranks of cancer patients who realize too late that symptoms they'd noticed for a long time could have sounded the alarm earlier, when cancer was easier to cure.

1. Upset stomach or stomachache

One of the first signs colon cancer patients remember experiencing when they look back is unexplained stomach aches.Those with pancreatic cancer describe a dull ache that feels like it's pressing inward.Many liver cancer patients say they went in complaining of stomach cramps and upset stomachs so frequently that their doctors thought they had ulcers. Liver cancer patients and those with leukemia can experience abdominal pain resulting from an enlarged spleen, which may feel like an ache on the lower left side..If you have a stomachache that you can't attribute to a digestive problem or that doesn't go away, ask your doctor to order an ultrasound.Finding a liver or pancreatic tumor early can make all the difference in treatment.

2. Chronic "acid stomach" or feeling full after a small meal

The most common early sign of stomach cancer is pain in the upper or middle abdomen that feels like gas or heartburn. It may be aggravated by eating, so that you feel full when you haven't actually eaten much. What's particularly confusing is that the pain can be relieved by antacids, confirming your conclusion that it was caused by acid in the stomach, when it's more than that.An unexplained pain or ache in lower right side can be the first sign of liver cancer, known as one of the "silent killers."
Feeling full after a small meal is a common sign of liver cancer as well.
If you have frequent bouts of acid stomach, an unexplained abdominal ache, or a full feeling after meals even when you're eating less than normal, call your doctor.

3. Unexplained weight loss

If you notice the pounds coming off and you haven't made changes to your diet or exercise regime, it's important to find out why. Unexplained weight loss can be an early sign of colon and other digestive cancers; it can also be a sign of cancer that's spread to the liver, affecting your appetite and the ability of your body to rid itself of waste.

4. Jaundice

Pancreatic cancer, another one of the "silent killers," is often discovered when someone notices jaundice and asks the doctor to do a battery of tests. Jaundice is most commonly thought of as a yellowing of the skin or whites of the eyes, but darker-than- normal urine that's not the result of dehydration is also a sign. Clay-colored stools are another little-known sign of jaundice. Oddly, jaundice can also cause itching, because the bile salts in the bloodstream cause the skin to itch.Some people with pancreatic cancer say they noticed the itching before they noticed the jaundice itself.

5. Wheezing or shortness of breath

One of the first signs lung cancer patients remember noticing when they look back is the inability to catch their breath. " I couldn't even walk to my car without wheezing; I thought I had asthma, but how come I didn't have it before ? ", is how one man described it. Shortness of breath, chest pain, or spitting blood are also signs of testicular cancer that's spread to the lungs.

6. Chronic cough or chest pain

Several types of cancer, including leukemia and lung tumors, can cause symptoms that mimic a bad cough or bronchitis.One way to tell the difference: The problems persist, or go away and come back again in a repeating cycle. Some lung cancer patients report chest pain that extends up into the shoulder or down the arm.

7. Frequent fevers or infections

These can be signs of leukemia, a cancer of the blood cells that starts in the bone marrow. Leukemia causes the marrow to produce abnormal white blood cells, which crowd out healthy white cells, sapping the body's infection-fighting capabilities. Doctors sometimes catch leukemia in older adults only after the patient has been in a number of times complaining of fever, aches, and flu-like symptoms over an extended period of time.

8. Difficulty swallowing

Most commonly associated with esophageal or throat cancer, having trouble swallowing is sometimes one of the first signs of lung cancer, too. Men diagnosed with esophageal cancer look back and remember a feeling of pressure and soreness when swallowing that didn't go away the way a cold or flu would have. Consult your doctor also if you have a frequent feeling of needing to clear your throat or that food is stuck in your chest; either of these can signal a narrowing of the esophagus that could mean the presence of a tumor.

9. Chronic heartburn

If you just ate half a pizza, heartburn is expected. But if you have frequent episodes of heartburn or a constant low-level feeling of pain in the chest after eating, call your doctor and ask to be screened for esophageal cancer.
Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) — a condition in which stomach acid rises into the esophagus, causing heartburn and an acidic taste in the throat — can trigger a condition called Barrett's esophagus, which can be a precursor of esophageal cancer...

10. Swelling of facial features

Some patients with lung cancer report that they noticed puffiness, swelling, or redness in the face. The explanation for this is that small cell lung tumors commonly block blood vessels in the chest, preventing blood from flowing freely from the head and face.

11. Swollen lymph nodes or lumps on the neck, underarm, or groin

Enlarged lymph nodes indicate changes in the lymphatic system, which can be a sign of cancer. For example, a lump or an enlarged lymph in the neck or underarm is sometimes a sign of thyroid, head, or throat cancer.A painless lump on the neck, underarm, or groin can be an early sign of leukemia.

12. Excessive bruising or bleeding that doesn't stop

This symptom usually suggests something abnormal happening with the platelets and red blood cells, which can be a sign of leukemia. One man with leukemia noticed that his gums bled when he brushed his teeth; another described bruising in strange places, such as on his fingers and hands.The explanation : Over time, leukemia cells crowd out red blood cells and platelets, impairing the blood's ability to carry oxygen and clot.
13. Weakness and fatigue

"I had to stop halfway across the yard and sit down when I was mowing the lawn," said one man when describing the fatigue that led to his discovery of pancreatic cancer. Generalized fatigue and weakness is a symptom of so many different kinds of cancer (and other ills) that you'll need to look at it in combination with other symptoms.But any time, you feel exhausted without explanation and it doesn't respond to getting more sleep, talk to your doctor.

14. Rectal bleeding or blood in stool

"I thought it was hemorrhoids" is one of the most common statements doctors hear when diagnosing colorectal cancer.Blood in the toilet alone is reason to call your doctor and schedule a colonoscopy.Another sign of blood in the stool many people miss is stools that are darker in color.

15. Bowel problems

Constipation, diarrhea, and changes in stools can all be signs of cancer.
As with many other cancer symptoms, the way to tell if this is cause for concern is if it goes on for more than a few days without a clear cause, such as flu or food poisoning.People diagnosed with colon cancer say they noticed more frequent stools, as well as a feeling that their bowels were not emptied completely.One of the early signs of pancreatic cancer is fatty stools, which can be recognized as frequent, large stools that are paler than normal and smelly.. This is a sign that your body's not absorbing your food normally, and it should be brought to your doctor's attention.
16. Difficulty urinating or changes in flow
Hands-down, the most common early sign of prostate cancer is a feeling of not being able to start peeing once you're set to go. Many men also report having a hard time stopping the flow of urine, a flow that starts and stops, or a stream that's weaker than normal. Any of these symptoms is reason to call your doctor for an exam and a screening test for prostate-specific antigen.

17. Pain or burning during urination

This symptom can also indicate a urinary tract infection or sexually transmitted disease, of course, but in any case it warrants an immediate trip to the doctor. This symptom is often combined with the feeling that you need to go more often, particularly at night. These same symptoms can also indicate inflammation or infection in the prostate or benign prostatic hyperplasia, the name for what happens when the prostate grows bigger and blocks the flow of urine. However, you need to get checked out to tell the difference.
18. Blood in urine or semen

Men are often warned about blood in the urine, but they may not realize that blood in semen is also a danger sign for prostate cancer. Blood in the urine or semen isn't always visible as blood; urine may just be a pink, dark red, or smoky brown color, while blood in the semen may just look like a pinkish streak.

19. Erection problems

As prostate cancer progresses, another very common sign is difficulty getting or sustaining an erection. This can be a difficult subject to talk about, but it's important to bring it to your doctor's attention.. It could be a sign of sexual dysfunction with another cause, of course, but it's a reason to have an exam and a prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test.

20. Pain, aching, or heaviness in the groin, hips, thighs, or abdomen

One sign of prostate cancer is frequent pain in the hips, upper thighs, or the lowest part of the back. Men with testicular cancer report noticing a heavy, aching feeling low in the belly or abdomen, or in the scrotum or testicles themselves. They sometimes describe it as a feeling of downward pulling or as a generalized ache throughout the groin area.Prostate cancer that has spread to the lymph nodes often makes itself known as discomfort in the pelvis or swelling in the legs.

21. Testicular swelling or lump

The lumps that indicate testicular cancer are nearly always painless.It's also common for a testicle to be enlarged or swollen, but lacking any specific lump that you can see or feel.Some men report feeling discomfort from the enlargement, but not an outright pain.

22. Unexplained back pain

Back pain can mean all sorts of things, of course — most often pulled muscles or disc problems. But unexplained, persistent back pain can be an early sign of cancer as well, so get it checked out.Pain in the lower back and hips can be a sign of prostate cancer, while pain in the upper back can signal lung cancer.A pain in the upper abdomen and back is one of the few early signs of pancreatic cancer.

23. Scaly or painful nipple or chest, nipple discharge

Men do get breast cancer; they also get a condition called gynecomastia, which is a benign lump in the breast area. Breast cancer is usually detected as a lump, but if it's spreading inward it can also cause chest pain.Other signs of breast cancer include patches of red, scaly, or dimpled skin or changes to the nipple such as turning inward or leaking fluid.Bring any lump, swelling, or skin or nipple problem, or any chest pain, to your doctor's attention.

24. A sore or skin lump that doesn't heal, becomes crusty, or bleeds easily

Most of us know how to watch moles for changes that might indicate skin cancer.But other signs, such as small waxy lumps or dry scaly patches, are easier to miss.Familiarize yourself with the different types of skin cancer — melanoma, basal cell carcinoma, and squamous cell carcinoma — and be vigilant about checking skin all over the body for odd-looking growths or spots.

25. Changes in nails

Unexplained changes to the fingernails can be a sign of several types of cancer.A brown or black streak or dot under the nail can indicate skin cancer .A newly discovered "clubbing," which means enlargement of the ends of the fingers, with nails that curve down over the tips, can be a sign of lung cancer..
Pale or white nails can be an indication that your liver is not functioning properly, sometimes a sign of liver cancer.

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[] Home Remedies For Defective Vision


Whatsapp Group+91 98450 81888

Hands that serve are Holier than Lips that Pray



The herb chicory or endive is extremely valuable in defective vision due to myopia. It contains food elements which are constantly needed by the optic system. It is one of the richest sources of vitamin A which is very useful for the eyes. The addition of juices of carrot, celery, and parsley to chicory juice makes it a highly nourishing food for the optic nerve and the muscular system. It can bring amazing results in correcting eye defects. Half a litre to one litre of this combination, taken daily, has frequently corrected eye troubles in the course of a few months to the extent that normal vision was regained, making the wearing of spectacles unnecessary. The formula proportions considered useful in this combination are 200 ml of carrot juice, 150 ml of celery juice, 75 ml of endive juice and 75 ml of parsley juice to make half a litre of this combination.



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[] Wonder Leaves


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Monday, 29 July 2019

[] 10 Steps To A Healthy Pregnancy


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Hands that serve are Holier than Lips that Pray

10 Steps To A Healthy Pregnancy1. Organise your antenatal care early in your pregnancy:
Good antenatal care is essential to your baby's health. Choosing your doctor early means you'll have months to build a good relationship before your baby is born.

When choosing your doctor, get recommendations from friends and family. A good doctor is one who is able to give you personalised care, encourages you to ask questions, treats you with respect and answers all your queries patiently. Ideally, choose a doctor with a clinic close to your home. You might need to reach them quickly in an emergency, so it's a good idea to have their mobile number close at hand.

2. Eat well:
There's no need to 'eat for two' when you're pregnant. You may well need an extra 200-300 calories each day, but this is equivalent to:

a couple of slices of wholemeal toast and margarine/butter
two chapattis or idlis
a jacket potato with a small amount of cheese
one slice of cheese on toast
a serving of upma or poha
an extra glass of milk.

It is important to eat a balanced and healthy diet. You might go off certain foods, but it's always possible to swap these with others of similar nutritional value.

Aim to eat a diet with plenty of vegetables and fruit, and some carbohydrates such as roti, bread and rice (preferably wholegrain). You also need protein - this could be fish, meat, eggs, nuts or pulses.

Have some milk and dairy foods every day, such as milk, yogurt, ice cream, buttermilk and cheese. However, if you are lactose-intolerant, choose other calcium-rich sources, such as chickpeas, kidney beans, oats, almonds, soymilk and tofu.

You might find it better to eat five or six small, well-balanced meals a day rather than three larger meals. Don't skip any meals if you can help it.

Keep yourself well hydrated by drinking at least eight to ten glasses of water every day. Avoid caffeinated and artificially flavoured drinks and have fresh fruit juices, soups, and milk.

3. Be careful about food hygiene:
It is better to avoid certain foods in pregnancy because they carry an infection that can be a health risk for your baby.

Listeria, is an infection that can cause miscarriage or severe illness in newborns.

The listeria organism may be present in raw milk, non-pasteurised milk, raw meat and unwashed vegetables. So buy pasteurized milk, cook meat well and wash vegetables carefully. Refrigeration does not stop the growth of listeria.

Toxoplasmosis, is a parasite. It is rare, but can seriously affect an unborn baby. It is found in raw and undercooked meat and in soil and cat faeces. So make sure that meat is well cooked. Wash vegetables and salads to remove any traces of soil or dirt. If you have a cat, ask someone else to clear up any cat mess. Salmonella is a food poisoning bacteria. It does not harm your baby, but may make you feel very unwell. Salmonella can be found in undercooked poultry, and raw or soft-cooked eggs. So cook poultry well, and cook eggs until they are hard.

Try to eat freshly prepared meals whenever possible. If you do have a ready meal, check the best before date and that the packaging is not damaged. It's also worth checking the nutritional value and the list of ingredients, as there may be additives or preservatives that are unsuitable for pregnant women. MSG, for example, may trigger headaches, nausea and vomiting in sensitive individuals, although there is no evidence that it is harmful to a developing baby. Any packaging that is bloated, leaking or damaged, indicates potential risks of contamination.

In a warm humid country like ours, good food hygiene is especially important to make sure the food you eat is safe. Ensure all food is cooked well. But even cooked food stored in the refrigerator overnight can be contaminated. Try to avoid leftovers. Buy perishables daily and, when buying processed and convenience foods, always check the 'best before' and expiry dates. Keep cooked food covered and refrigerate within two hours of cooking.

Be very careful when eating out. A glass of fresh juice or a fruit chaat from a roadside vendor may seem inviting but may be contaminated. It's best to avoid golguppas and aloo tikkis, even at popular eating places, as you can't be sure they have been prepared under hygienic conditions. If you have paid help, ensure that she washes her hands thoroughly before preparing food.

4. Take folic acid supplements:
Folic acid (also called folate) is the only supplement that is considered vital. It can help prevent spina bifida and other neural tube defects in babies.

Spina bifida is a serious congenital condition affecting the central nervous system that can cause severe disabilities. All women planning a pregnancy are advised to take a daily supplement of 400mcg of folic acid starting around the time of conception and continuing through the first three months of pregnancy.

You can also increase your intake of natural folate through your diet. Folate is found in vegetables like spinach, peas, lady's finger, lettuce, beans and capsicum as well as in fortified breakfast cereals.

Other nutrients that are important to your health and your baby's are iron and calcium, which can generally be provided by your diet. Leafy greens, such as spinach (palak), mustard leaves (sarson), methi, mint (pudina), coriander (dhania), radish (moolie) and raisins are rich sources of iron. Try sipping lemonade (nimbu pani) with your food as the vitamin C in the lemon helps iron absorption. You could squeeze lemon onto your salads as well..

Calcium-rich foods are milk, cheese and tinned sardines (with bones), soy milk, tofu, leafy green vegetables, sesame seeds, kidney beans, chickpeas, nuts and oats. If you think your diet may lack calcium, speak to your doctor who may prescribe a suitable calcium supplement.

Fish oils have been found to have a beneficial effect on birth weight and on the development of brain and nerves in late pregnancy. Try to eat oily fish such as herring (bhing machli), mackerel (bangda), salmon (raawas) or sardines (chareeaddee) two or three times a week. If you're not keen on fish, you could take fish oil supplements (choose a brand free of the retinol form of vitamin A). But talk to your doctor before taking any over-the-counter medications or herbal remedies.

5. Exercise regularly:
A good exercise programme can give you the strength and endurance you'll need to carry the weight you gain during pregnancy and to handle the physical stress of labour. It will also make it easier to get back in shape after your baby is born.

Exercise can boost your spirits and help ward off the pregnancy blues. A recent study found that staying active can boost your level of serotonin, a brain chemical linked to mood.

If you're used to taking exercise in the form of a sport, you can continue with this as long as it feels comfortable for you, unless your particular sport carries a risk of falls or knocks. More gentle exercise such as walking, swimming, aqua-aerobics, and yoga are also very beneficial.

Make sure you check with your doctor before starting any exercise routine.

In summer, walk in cool, shaded areas and stay indoors when it is very hot. Wear comfortable, loose clothing, suitable walking shoes and a well-fitting, supportive bra.

Learning some breathing exercises now will help you when your baby is born. They might help you to control your breath and your stress levels during labour.

6. Begin doing pelvic floor exercises:
The ideal time to begin pelvic floor exercises is adolescence, but many women don't hear about them until pregnancy.

The pelvic floor muscles are the hammock of muscles at the base of your pelvis that support the bladder, vagina and rectum. They can be weakened by pregnancy because of the extra pressure on them, and because the hormones of pregnancy cause them to slacken slightly.

You can strengthen your pelvic floor by doing daily exercises. Try and do them frequently throughout the day - when you wash your hands, brush your teeth, or wait for the kettle to boil.

7. Limit your alcohol intake:
Because any alcohol you drink rapidly reaches your baby via your bloodstream and placenta, you may decide to cut it out completely, or at least to monitor the amount you consume.

Pregnant women should drink no more than eight units of alcohol per week, and no more than two units at any one time. Women who have more than two drinks a day are at greater risk of giving birth to a baby with fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS). Children born with FAS suffer from mental and growth retardation, behavioural problems, and facial and heart defects.

8. Cut back on caffeine:
Coffee, tea and cola-style beverages are mild stimulants, and some research suggests that too much caffeine may increase the risk of having a low-birth-weight baby.

The current advice is that two cups of coffee or tea per day (or up to five cans of cola) won't hurt your baby.

You may prefer to switch to decaffeinated coffee or tea, or drink fruit juices instead. A refreshing alternative is a glass of mineral water with a twist of lime or lemon or tender coconut water. You could also drink fresh fruit or vegetable juices as they contain plenty of vitamins and minerals for you and your baby.

9. Stop smoking:
Women who smoke increase their risk of miscarriage, premature delivery, stillbirth and cot death.

Some studies have shown that women who smoke 20 or more cigarettes a day during pregnancy are more likely to give birth to a baby with a cleft lip or palate.

While it is best to give up smoking before you even try to conceive, any reduction in the number of cigarettes you smoke per day will give your baby a better chance.

It is best not to be exposed to cigarette smoke at all. Encourage your husband to give up as well, or at least to avoid smoking inside the house. Tell visitors and relatives that your home is a 'no smoking' zone.

10. Get some rest:

The fatigue you feel in the first and third trimesters is your body's way of saying 'slow down'. A nap in the middle of the day may seem like a luxury you can't afford, but you and your baby will both benefit. Take any offers of help. To make sure you get enough rest, try to reduce your working hours, and perhaps cut down on some social commitments.

If you can't sleep, at least put your feet up and relax for 30 minutes or more, however is best for you. Relaxation techniques such as yoga, stretching, deep breathing and massage are all good at reducing stress and can help you get a better night's sleep.

There's nothing like chatting with others who are at just the same stage of pregnancy as you.


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