Tuesday, 21 June 2016

[www.keralites.net] Theism plus Barter etc!


Theism plus Barter and Atheism plus Monetization, go together.

In a barter society, where every person or family contributed a specific need of the society--- tradition, custom, command from the king or lord and the overall control of religion, all integrated together, formed part of the economy. The society, needed synergy or team spirit and emotional bond among the people, for survival. Belief in God or the Almighty was basic or fundamental. Barter took place very smoothly as custom and tradition. In fact, barter was custom and tradition, a divine order that could not to be deviated. Any attempt to bring about deviation from the established customized routines was sin. The deviation was the work of Satan or at least lunacy.

There was communal surveillance for sinners and the punishments meted out to them were very cruel. The social motto was stability, changelessness and as far as possible cashlessness, in transactions. Belief in God and the existence of a King to represent the will of God were integral to the barter system. People believed in the guidance of God as a day today routine. The word salary has its origin in the payment with salt as the monetary remuneration for a very long time.


In fact, there was very little possibility for atheism in a barter society. Except for the king and those belonging to the ruling segment, there were no differences in wealth and there simply was no possibility for inequality in incomes as what one needed, one got from the society in exchange for one's contribution to the society. The rich, of course consisted of nobles most of them, lords of manors.

When Rene Descartes started his analytical approach, he first paid respects to God by saying that God entered only the human soul through the pineal gland. The scientists of those days were essentially theists.

In Europe, after the fall of the Roman Empire, small principalities became independent and those principalities developed as Manors or small kingdoms. The lord of the manor almost owned the people in the manor called serfs. Entire Europe consisted of manors and there were no nations. The formation of the nation states and the monetization of economies went hand in hand.

People needed the strong lord and his divine order for security. The concepts of personal liberty, personal self-respect simply did not exist. What counted was loyalty to the lord and absolute belief and obedience to God. Surrender of one's all to the lord was the dominant value.

Barter based on tradition, command and terror of authority were the foundations. In such societies, theism was fundamental. In fact, the word 'theory' meant that which the God ordained, a derivative from the word theism. It is amusing that atheists today use the same word theory to indicate that there is no God. They do not have the word say—atheory, to indicate the atheistic origin of their arguments.

Nevertheless, in the medieval Europe, theism meant survival; atheism was very dangerous as it was identified with horrible sin. The concept of the eternal hell fire where a sinner was burnt horribly and eternally after death was terrifying enough, to make one shudder to think originally as they were sinful and very threatening thoughts. Conformity and confirmity were the only socially respected and approved values. The serfs did not need any money at all. Pious living was all that mattered.

Nevertheless, money was not completely eliminated from life. The industries that remained even after the fall of the Roman Empire continued and they functioned through monetary transactions. However, they were under the strict laws laid down by guilds, which were in accordance of the dictates of religion.

To start an industrial unit, one must become a member of the association or guild. To get the eligibility to become a member, one must work under a guild member called, guild master as an apprentice, one who worked without remuneration. After ten or fifteen years as an apprentice, one was promoted as a journeyman, one who became eligible for wages. After ten, fifteen, or even more years as journeyman, one ultimately became eligible to become a member of the guild or become a guild master. The Guilds functioned under very strict religious dictates.

1) A guild master must charge the uniform just price as dictated by the guild.

2) He must not compete with the other guild masters.

3) His products shall not differ from the products of the other guild masters in terms of quality, composition, weight etc.

4) He had to confirm and conform to the dictates of religion.

Money as a medium of exchange was under great vigilance.

Still, slowly and gradually, over periods of hundreds of years, with the spread of new ideas(the Renaissance, the Formation of the nation states, Discovery of new trade routes, the Itinerant merchants who established themselves in the boroughs or markets within manors-- they were originally the sinners who escaped the burning as punishment to save them from the eternal hell fire after death and left to their sinful commerce and trade as chronic incurable sinners, the crusades or religious wars---a cauldron of historical processes) resulted in the emergence of the modern economic, industrial, monetized and wayward societies. The sale of indulgences by the pope to the sinners exempting them from the eternal hell fire on the basis of the price fixed by the church which put the last nail on the barter system, and the consequent protestant revolution of Martin Luther, leading to wars between Catholics and protestants led to the dilution of the hold and faith of the serfs in religion itself. All this ultimately paved the way for the emergence of the dismal science economics as a respectable science. Money as a medium of exchange certainly created anarchy along with atheism.

Modern economies and atheism go together. They cannot be separated. If you want proof go to Tirupathi.There you find people hectically giving bribes to jump the queue, or pay money to get special Darsan(the Poor God has no say in this matter)and get the chief priest for a price to make the lord come to your residence. Money has vanquished Gods. Most of these theists who bribe in Tirupathi are not even sincere theists or even agnostics—they are just corrupt people. Bribe is the medium of life for them. After all there cannot be fair competition, as competition is in fact the struggle to get what you want by depriving the others. Deadly fights with no holds barred can only lead to every fowl means.

Under barter the implied assumption is that the world is based on symbiosis, synthesis, auto-poesis, co-operation,co-ordination,and the ultimate harmonization.

We abandoned them all,and substituted it with equilibrium analysis etc.

May be the anaerobes, the nucleus less bacteria that ruled the Earth three billion years ago, to whom oxygen was poison, and who created the biosphere to use us as shelters, are planning to stage a comeback into the open and no longer hide inside us. They, it appears created this concept of competition so that ultimately with the various oxygen eliminating activities called industrialization, there will be ultimately no oxygen left. Then the anaerobes which it is predicted actually enjoy the radio-active poison of a nuclear holocaust, where there will be no oxygen, reclaim the earth again. Then they need not die along with us when we die. Saving the trillions of bacteria, which now can live only in us because of the poison, the deadly oxygen in the troposphere, is the main challenging task for the anaerobes now in us.

May be the war psychosis, hysteria, nuclear weapons..., are instigated by the anaerobe scientists among the bacteria now taking protective shelter inside us.



Posted by: Cool Kis <cooolkis@gmail.com>
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