Tuesday, 17 November 2015

[www.keralites.net] ONE POINT ACUPRESSURE TREATMENT - For free



[ as per their website ]

Note: For location of points, see Sujok Acupressure- Figures (Byol Meridians).

Legend : Tonification by white byol magnets -↑.

Sedation by yellow byol magnets -↓.

Click on the link below and than click on the disease , which will take you to the treatment point than click on treatment point .


below is a list of diseases treated , but use the link above to get the option to click on disease.

at end website and address for free acupressure treatment and link to free treatment centers in India as per their website.

1. Abdomen 2. Acne 3. Adenitis
4. Ageing – to slow down 5. Affections of eyes, nose, ear, brain 6. Alcoholism
7. Albuminuria 8. Allergy 9. Amnesia
10. Anemia 11. Animal/insect bite 12. Anger
13. Angina 14. Anus inflammation 15. Aortitis
16. Aphasia 17. Appendicitis 18. Arms Problem
19. Arterial Tension 20. Arthritis 21. Ascites
22. Asthma 23. Atony
1. Back problems 2. Bathing 3. Belching
4. Bad breath 5. Bleeding 6. Blood chemistry disorders
7. Blood pressure 8. Blood disorders 9. Bone disorders
10 Body pain - only at night 11 Brain tumor 12 Brain fag
13 Bronchitis 14 Breathlessness 15 Burn injuries
1. Cancer 2. Cellulitis 3. Choleriform
4. Cheeks – inflammation 5. Chest – oppression 6. Chilblain
7. Coma 8. Common Cold 9. Coldness
10 Colic 11 Constipation 12 Cough
13 Cramps 14 Cyanosis – skin
1. Deaf-mutism 2. Diabetic neuropathy 3. Diabetes
4. Diarrhea 5. Diaphragm disorders 6. Diphtheria
7. Disequilibrium 8. Drooling 9. Dysentery
10 Dysphagia
1. Ear disorders 2. Epistaxis 3. Epilepsy
4. Eosinophilia 5. Expectoration 6. Eye disorders
1. Face discoloration 2. Facial tics 3. Fear/Phobia
4. Female diseases 5. Fainting 6. Finger contracture
7. Fistula 8. Fissure 9. Fits of weeping
10 Fontanel
1. Gastro intestinal tract disorders 2. Ghost possession
1. Hair fall 2. Head Problems 3. Headache
4. Hemiplegia 5. Heart problems 6. Heel pain
7. Hiccup 8. Hip joint disease 9. Hoarseness of voice
10 Hotness of palms 11 Herpes zoster 12 Hunger
13 Hypertension (High Blood Pressure) 14 Hypothermia
1. Inability 2. Infant's diseases 3. Infection – chronic
4. Inflammation 5. Influenza 6. Inguinal trouble
7. Immunity 8. Intoxication 9. Injury
1. Jaundice
1. Larynx Problems
2. Legs Problems 3. Liver abscess
4. Limpness of muscles 5. Lithiasis 6. Lumbar Problems
7. Lungs 8. Lumps/Knots
1. Male diseases 2. Measles (rubeola) 3. Memory problems
4. Menier's disease 5. Mental diseases 6. Mouth, lips, throat problems
1. Nausea vomiting 2. Neck stiffness 3. Nephroptosis
4. Nerve problems 5. Neuralgia 6. Nose Disorders
1. Occipital headache/heaviness 2. Oedema (swelling) 3. Osteitis
4. Osteomyelitis
1. Pain 2. Parkinson's disease 3. Portal hypertension
4. Pneumonia 5. Paronychia 6. Phlegm- excess
7. Piles 8. Pituita 9. Poornima/amavasya problems
10 Poisoning 11 Precocious senility 12 Problems after bathing
13 Progressive muscular atrophy 14 Prostate gland enlargement
1. Raynaud's disease 2. Rectum problems 3. Resuscitation (restoration of life)
1. Scoliosis 2. Sciatica 3. Sebaceous glands
4. Sickness in morning 5. Sinusitis 6. Skin diseases
7 Sleep Disorders 8. Somnambulism 9. Spasm (contracture)
10 Speech problem 11 Spinal marrow disorders 12 Spine Problems
13 Spleen disorders 14 Stomach disorders 15 Stool disorders
16 Study teaching problems 17 Sunstroke 18 Suffocation
19 Suppuration (formation of pus) 20 Sweating 21 Swelling
22 Suffocation 23 Synovitis
1. Teeth (Including gums jaws) problems 2. Tuberculosis of lymph node 3. Terror in children
4. Thirst 5. Throat problems 6. Tongue disorders
7. Tonsil disorders 8. Torticolis/ wryneck 9. Toxins – to expel
10 Travel sickness 11 Trembling – any body part
1. Ulcers 2. Urinary diseases
1 Veins problems 2. Vertigo 3. Vomiting
1. Weakness 2. Weight loss 3. Worms
4. Writer's cramp
1. Yawning


link to freetreatmentcenters in India

address of Head offfice

Acupressure Research, Training and Treatment Sansthan
49/24A, Minto Road (Behind Boys High School)
Allahabad – 211001 , India
Tele: 0532-2266725,9335105694
Fax: 0532-2266725

as seen on net




Posted by: Ravi Narasimhan <ravi.narasimhan.in@gmail.com>
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