Tuesday, 20 October 2015

[www.keralites.net] Ten symptoms of Kali Yuga


Ten Symptoms of Kali Yuga

For those who have belief in religion, culture, heritage, faith, yugas on these matters. Kali Yuga - Ten symptoms of Kali Yuga - speakingtree

1. Why We Are Always Unhappy

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In modern times, we keep wondering why there is so much conflict and quarrel in our lives. Why there exists so much confusion and unhappiness, despite our material progress. But reading Hindu scriptures - in particular, the Srimad Bhagavatam - removes all the cobwebs from our minds...

2. Bhagavatam or Bhagavad Gita?

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But first, let's know what is the Srimad Bhagavatam. Many confuse it with the Bhagavad Gita. The Bhagavad Gita is the divine song sung by Lord Krishna on the battlefield of Kurukshetra, as he advised Arjuna on the mindset he should possess before going into an unavoidable battle. The Bhagavad Gita, consisting of 700 verses, is considered the essence of all the Upanishads.

3. The Bhagavatam

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If the Gita is concise advice from the lips of God, the Bhagavatam is a more lyrical, profound and detailed insight into the Truth of God, comprising 18000 verses. It is also the essence of all Vedic knowledge. Being one of the 18 Puranas, or ancient scriptures, it is also known as the Bhagavatha Purana. Together, they offer a complete insight into the Supreme Absolute Truth.

4. Spiritual Fruit

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The Vedas have been likened to the tree of desire (of knowledge) and the Srimad Bhagavatham to a ripe fruit on top of the tree... the Bhagavatham was recited by Sukhadeva Goswami, the son of Vyasadeva (the compiler of all the Vedas), to King Parikshit on the banks of the Ganges, after the latter was cursed to die in seven days.

5. The Four Yuga, or Eras

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The Srimad Bhagavatham mentions the four stages of evolution in the Universe. The cycle, which comprises these four stages, takes place every 4.1 to 8.2 billion years! the four stages are the four yugas - Satya Yuga, Treta Yuga , Dwapar Yuga and Kali Yuga. The four yugas are not just a passage of time but spell a deterioration in the moral character of humans.

6. Virtues Reduce, Sins Grow

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In Satya Yuga, virtue reigns supreme, with an average human lifespan being 100,000 years! In Treta Yuga, there is three-quarters virtue and one quarter sin, with human lifespan being 10,000 years. Dwapar Yuga is marked by one half virtue, one half sin, and human lifespan becomes 1000 years. In Kali Yuga, where we find ourselves today, there is 1 quarter virtue and 3 quarters sin.

7. Life At An All-Time Low

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In Kali Yuga, the average human lifespan reaches an all-time low. At the start of the Yuga, it was 100 years but by the close of the era, it will be just 20 years - because of a multitude of reasons, among them - environmental pollution, greenhouse effect, global warming, famine, drought and disease due to unhealthy lifestyle habits. Let's check out the obvious symptoms of Kali Yuga...

8. 1. Bad Habits Replace Good

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The Srimad Bhagavatham, Chapter 12, Part 2, lists the symptoms of Kali Yuga. The most obvious one is the manifestation of their bad qualities (anger, unkindness, selfishness, cruelty) by humans instead of their good qualities (patience, kindness, selflessness and compassion). Mutual dealings between human beings is marked by hypocrisy.

9. 2. Atheism Scores Over Religion

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Atheists may not approve, but choosing atheism or being a non-believer of God will become a much preferred choice as opposed to complete and unwavering faith in God as the Force behind all Creation (a foregone conclusion in Satya Yuga). It goes without saying that fewer people read or believe in the holy scriptures. Religion's mere use is for the sake of reputation.

10. 3. Spiritual Leaders Become Rich

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For those who are still on a spiritual quest, there's even more confusion. The spiritual leaders they are keen to follow, live in materialistic mansions rather than serve the needy, and don't have all the answers. Yes, pseudo-gurus are a growing tribe. And a man can claim to be a brahman or priest merely by wearing a sacred thread or religious robes.

11. 4. Material Things Cease To Satisfy

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Despite the mad rush for material things, as the age of Kali Yuga progresses, the material possessions one accumulates, cease to satisfy less and less. What's even worse: they also come at the cost of spiritual virtues.

12. 5. Humans Lose Their Energy

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In this age, not only is the average age of the human life much reduced, so is the memory and intelligence, besides the energy to achieve the same. People will be at the mercy of harsh weather - cold, wind, heat, rain and snow. They will be further tormented by hunger, thirst, disease and severe anxiety.

13. 6. Less Greener Pastures

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The reason for this is that even the bare necessities of life are hard to come by.The land no longer produces as many or as good-quality food grains. The trees grow shorter, and cows do not give as much milk as they used to and droughts and famines are frequent. The proverb "stay hungry, stay foolish" holds.

14. 7. Princes And Paupers

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Kings and people in power are no longer a class apart, with them behaving far below their dignity and choosing low occupations like stealing, lying and violence to stay rich.

15. 8. Family Ties Get Chillier

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Family ties, once close and caring, deteriorate fast, and soon, extend no further than one's mate, if at all even that survives the test of time. Men and women will live together merely because of superficial attraction, and womanliness and manliness will be judged according to one's expertise in sex, and sex alone.

16. 9. Wealth Will Determine Power

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Wealth alone will be the determining factor of what makes an ideal birth, behaviour and qualities worth possessing. Law and justice too will be decided on the basis of one's power.

17. 10. Glib Talk The Sign Of Education

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Juggling words are enough to make one appear as a scholar. There is no need for real education as the hallmark of knowledge. The audacious will be considered as truthful.

18. How Long Will Kaliyuga Last?

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Kali Yuga's dateline is 432000 years, and we're just 2000 years into it. Dwapara Yuga was twice as long and Treta Yuga was thrice as long, while Satya Yuga was four times as long, making it the longest era.

19. When The End Is Near

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When the Age of Kali reduces to intolerable levels, Maha Vishnu will manifest himself in the form of "Kalki" and ride the celestial horse Devadutt, and kill by millions those engaged in sinful acts.

20. Thus Begins A New Cycle Of Creation

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After all the impostors have been killed, the good people will feel the air filled with sacred fragrance of sandalwood paste and other floral decorations of Maha Vishnu, which will purify their mind, body and soul. Then begins a new Satya Yuga and a fresh new start for humankind.

Kali Yuga - Ten symptoms of Kali Yuga - speakingtree





Posted by: prasannam n <iampresanam@yahoo.co.in>
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