Tuesday, 22 September 2015

[www.keralites.net] What Turmeric Can Do For Your Daily Life (Posted by B D Jesrani)


What Turmeric Can Do For Your Daily Life



Written by: Kirsten Cowart

Turmeric, with its major componentcurcumin, has long been used in the traditional medical systems in India to help with wound healing, gastrointestinal symptoms, deworming,rheumatic disorders,rhinitisand as a cosmetic.

The ancient and modern healers of India have been using this powerful ingredient in their medicine for hundreds of years. Recently, studies have been done to pinpoint the awesome effects of this healing root and how it can help our lives today.

Check out these 7 major areas of health and healing that turmeric can add to your life.

1. Anti-Inflammatory
Studies have been conducted in India to explore turmeric's effects as ananti-inflammatory, anti-oxitant andcholekinetic. They have also found recent potentials while investigating on its preventive effects of pre-carcinogenic, anti atherosclerotic and anti-inflammatory effects in biological systems. Specifically, those who are in cetro and in vivo condition for both humans and animals.

When a mass study was conducted to combine the findings of turmeric research on humans for anti-inflammatory effects, it was found that curcumin was demonstrated to be safe in six human trials. They showed that curcumin did, in fact, have anti-inflammatory activities, because it inhibited a number of molecules that play a large role in inflammation.

Turmeric consumption can decrease arthritis knee pain and, because it doesn't have the side effects of the common drugs, it is better for your overall health in mild to moderate cases ofknee arthritis.

2. Natural Detox
As mentioned before, turmeric contains a compound known as curcumin, which has been found to increase the detoxifying enzymes of the body.

3. Antioxidant
Curcumin has also been found to help with preventing DNA damage, improve the repair of DNA decrease mutations and slow tumor formation. Turmeric has also been found to reduce DNA adducts andMicronucleiin the epithelial cells of the mouth.

Turmeric also assists with reducing cognitive decline, which is caused by oxidizing effects in the DNA.

4. Blood Sugar
Turmeric is used all throughout India as a rich source of soluble fiber, which will reduce bloodglucose(sugar) andlipids(fats), which aids people who are struggling with diabetes.

5. Healthy Absorption Of Nutrients
A healthy digestive system is key for having a healthy life. What is the point of eating healthy, nutritious food if it isn't properly absorbed by the body?

Turmeric has been found to be extremely effective in helping with various digestive problems such aserosions, gastritis,dyspepsiaand the healing of ulcers.

6. Mood And Mental Health
In theJournal of Phytotherapy,it has been confirmed thatthe primary polyphenol in turmeric (curcumin) is effective and safe for the treatment of serious states ofdepression.

7. Healthy Eating
Turmeric was one of many natural spices that was recommended by theMedical Journal of Australiaas a way to boost your health and replace the need for added salt in your diet.

Overall, turmeric will kickstart your body and mind for healthy, preventative living and it is strongly recommended that you make this a permanent part of your daily life. No wonder we made sure to include it inOrganifi'slist of superfood ingredients.


Posted by: Cool Kis <cooolkis@gmail.com>
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