Sunday, 18 August 2013

Re: [] the snow pieces under the microscope !


Hi dear Mary Joeshpina

You have summed up everything so neatly about God and his great gift to us.

But may I point out God is not sitting somewhere and creating all these marvelous splendor for our pleasure but he is all ways around us just like the invisible air.

At all time he is walking and caring for all his creation be it Human or other creatures.

Enjoy his presence in the form of nature always touching us whenever we feel for him.

We are never alone,good Lord is always watching over us.  

On Sat, Aug 17, 2013 at 3:49 PM, mary josephina <> wrote:


Beautiful. I always wonder about the marvel of this world. Sometimes I see photos that arrive from this site especially of flowers and other nature photos and i say to God 'this is what you do sitting up there, isn't it  God'?.. The designs on the flowers, how the strips and dots are arranged on animals and fish, the leaves made in different shapes and even this tiniest ice particle that we play with and trample underfoot is made so wonderfully. But many of us run through the day and life that ignors all this. I wonder how many look at the sky in the night to say hello to moon or the stars and even a good morning to sun? Do we stand still to see the invisible wind moving the leaves or making waves in the fields of rice and tall grass and shaking the trees to gently shower the flowers and leaves. I love God and I want to spend my eternity with Him after my death. But this life as we know is only for once. So I say to God always give me life God so I will stay here on earth and thank you for the things of this world that you created for us to enjoy. We do not have to make long trips to distant places or to the forest and mountains or seas  to enjoy the nature or the every day pleasures of life. Once in a while get wet in the rain, talk to a butterfly that fly past  you or a bird or a stray cat on your way to work. Touch and feel the softness of the flowers in your garden or on the roadsides, respond to the chirping of the birds around you, don't just breath inthe air but breath ib the life feeling it going throguh your nose down to every cell in your body and be grateful that you are still in the land of the living to enjoy all this. LIFE IS TOO SHORT. AS LONG AS YOU HAVE IT ENJOY EVERY MOMENT AND CHERISH IT. ONE DAY YOU WILL FIND THAT EVEN IF YOU WANT TO DO IT YOU MAY NOT BE ABLE TO DO SO .

God Bless you all


From: Fereshteh Jamshidi <>
Sent: Friday, 16 August 2013 6:33 PM
Subject: [] the snow pieces under the microscope !


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