God designed your heart to break. Is it a design flaw ? Find out from a betterfly's point of view. I wonder if a butterfly know how, beautiful it is, Is it aware how incredible, the designs are that it carries on its wings? I don't think so. And similarly we may not realize or see, our own beauty, value, or worth unless, someone tells us and reminds us of our, beautiful design , or unless God Himself, give us a fresh revelation of its exquisiteness. I'm glad someone told me thirty years ago, and I'm grateful for the people in my, life , who've faithfully reminded me of, God's perspective of my heart from His, point of view, Most of all I'm grateful, for the Lord's persistent and patient, reaffirmation of who Iam in Him and, the beauty of my heart because of the cross. Without Him, I'd still feel ugly inside. Before I came to know the Lord, I'd always struggled with my own, sense of value and worth. Even as a child I never felt beautiful, and that carried into high school. I became an introvert ,and never wants, to be noticed and been made to feel like i was unworth to the human race and , there was a time I felt that I was too ugly, to love and because of that I was unable, to love, But God knew better. If you ever have the chance to see the, underside of a butterfly's wings the part, you view as it sits with its wings closed, you might be surprised to find that they're, drab and dull in color. That was me i sat with my wings, closed hoping to camouflage myself from, pain and hurt, just as a butterfly blending, into a bush or tree to hide from predators. It's only when the wings open that it's, brilliant color and iridescent hues can, be observed, But how could I open them, when I was afraid to fly? If I showed my true colors what would, people think ? what would they see, a beautiful butterfly or an ugly moth ? I still struggle with that now but the, difference between then and now is, I know who Iam in Him and because, of who He is , I'm not afraid to show, my colors because they are His colors---, every shimmery promise in a rainbow of, iridescent hues glisten in all of, my encounters and in every situation. They truly are His colors. Do you know that a butterfly's wings are, actually clear and not colored at all ? The colors are a result of the way light, reflects from the pigment on the, underside of tiny scales that cover the, wings, When God's light shines through, my heart only then are colors seen. If I'm not right with Him , others won't, see His glorious colorful beauty through, my own heart. God created our hearts beautiful and, fragile like a butterfly's wings and He, He also created them strong enough, to soar through life's heartache and sorrow, however we can't fly without Him. We can't love ourselves without Him. We can't love others without Him. We can't overcome without Him. A butterfly cannot fly without sunshine. When at rest they bask and position their, wings at a right angel to the incoming, rays of sunlight. The warmth from basking transfers to, its thoracic flight muscle thus enabling, it to fly, And that's the only way, we can love , overcome and draw closer, to Him by basking in the warmth of His, love through the pursuit of His own heart, In doing so , we soar and are able to, overcome but even more importantly, our hearts become colored with His colors, noticeable for all to see and we suddenly, find ourselves with His patina all over us... shining examples of His love, mercy and lovingkindness. God's been speaking to me a lot lately, about the heart. And I'd like to share with you more, that He's revealed to me. I hope it speaks to you. On that day of creation when He created, your heart , He created it just like, His He didn't share His heart; He gave you His heart From the moment, He breathed life into you it was, His Spirit that entered into your heart, and therefore His heart in you. And it was a perfect heart ; void of , pain , sorrow and heartache. He created it with an infinite capacity, to love, He designed it soft and supple, it soft and supple , easily malleable to, receive all of His goodness. Every star, every flower , every blade of, grass and ultimately every fleck of dust, and sand He created for the purpose of, creating you..... And all the while He did so ,His thoughts, of you were more in number than the, sand(Ps, 129)He uesd to form us When He breathed life into you it set the, cadence of your own heartbeat in tune with, His precious one... The moment He fathomed you the love, in His heart overflowed and became infinite. for you. Yes, he fashioned you from His infinite love. Do you know that His heart is breakable ? That means that your is too, but it's not a, design flaw , His heart breaks for , the hurting , the oppressed, the sick, the, diseased, the orphan, the widow, the abused, the blind, the captive, and the dying , and that's why He sent His son because, His heart broke for mankind and He, wanted to save us from death... He created your heart to break too. It's how He created it though not for the, purpose of hurting you but for the purpose, of burdening you for the lost , just as His, heart burdened for you... The laborers are few and time is short, And He needs you to break for the hurting. Are you wondering if your heart is big, enough? Your heart has the capability, of being as big as His. The more love it holds the greater its , capacity, It swells and the more of Him, you put in the bigger it gets... When you give of His love to others, to the captive, to the unlovable , He not only replenishes the love you're, your heart stretchs and grow to receive, even more from Him for others. However if that love doesnt break, free or spill over the heart shrinks and, you feel full and satisfied with little, and there's no room for God to fill it, It remains at the same level or less. Then , the enemy tries to plunder what's. inside, He attempts to make the sweet, honey of God's love sour to harden its, tenderness and reduce its capacity. Sometime we let him and at other time, we're unaware we're allowing him to do so. We worry and fret and become to busy, and the measure of love in our heart, dewindles as the enemy sapa our stores... But if it's full of God there's no room, for anything else... When the enemy steals or destroys we're, to seek to refill and restore our hearts with, more of God... He tells me that our heart are, infinitesimally stretchable! That our heart's capacity to love is infinite, just like His! When we walk with Him and pursue, His heart, His presence, His friendship, our own hearts will fill to overflowing. His infinite love will continuosly refill, our hearts, so let it overflow! Let it be broken, let it leak, let it weep , for the lost, for the captive because His, love is infinite, because the supply , is endless and because your heart has been, created to contain an immeasurable, amount of His infinite love... Yes, He fathomed and fashioned you, from His infinite love, He designed , It to be broken... He will restore that which is lost at, the hands of the enemy and your brokeness, for the lost will be rewared with the sweet, liquid honey of His love and nearness. The love He's already poured into, your heart is enough for the harvest. His love is uncontainable and as big. as you'll allow Him to stretch your heart, know that He will fill it. He'll fill it for the masses, for the multiudes, for your neighbor, your enemies, your husband, your wife your children, your city , your church, your workplace... He'll fill it for the outcast, He wants you to share His burden, His brokeness for the dying , for your, neighbor and those in need , for when, you do you'll truly know His heart. If it doesn't feel full it because you, haven't pursued Him. Butterflies often congregate along steams, and rivers to drink water amd extract, minerals from the mud and the water. They nourish themselves for their, next flight.... How well are you nourished ? Have you filled yourself up with God? Have you come to the source of all of , your supply to drink of His cleansing , stream? Are you basking in the warmth , of His love ? Butterflies gain strenght , from the sun.... Have you postitioned yourself under the, warming ray of His presence ? Friends , He loves you and he love your, heart too and he wants to fill it to, overflowing with Himself , not only for, you but for the captive too , for those, the enemy has plundered... Yes, it's design is perfect , delicate, fragile, but strong too... But first in order to receive all that He, has for you for others , you have to see the, beauty of your own heart through His eyes, and through His heart... When you do see and know His heart, through the eyes of your own you'll, truly grasp the meaning of His , infinitesimal , uncoditional ans incredible, love and then soul too will travail , for the lost and through you His colors, will shimmer with His glorious brilliance, and multitudes more will one day also, meet our precious Lord and Savior in the, clouds... Have a bless day |
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