Thursday 31 May 2012





God is love, God loves us; we hear it every day!

We've heard it so often that we sometimes take it for granted.

But God really loves us very, very much and
he knows us like no one else.

He knows what is in our hearts and minds.
He knows our thoughts and intentions.

He knows our hopes, dreams, desires, passions and plans.
He knows our good points, our strengths

and the nice things about us.

And he also knows our weak points, our weaknesses and the not so nice things,

about us.

He knows our good habits and what we show openly for others to see.

He knows our bad habits and what we sometimes hide from others.

He knows our open claim to fame and he, knows our deep dark secrets.
He knows us all.

 We, the Believers, are all his.

We belong to him
when we believe in him and choose to love and serve him.

He is our Father and we are his children.

Like any parent, and even more than our earthly parents he wants the best for us.

He wants us to be whole in every part of our lives.

He does't want us to be good at some parts, 
and falling down and struggling with others.
He wants us to be complete; 
beautiful, shiny, glittering and spotless.
Yes, just like diamonds.

And we all are diamonds to God.
Every one of us who are Believers in Jesus Christ; he hasn't left out a single person
who has chosen to love and serve him.

What a mighty  loving God we serve.
His heart is so big and so filled with love for us.

We should feel honored to know that Almighty God who holds the unviverse in,

his hands consider us so dearly and we all.

are his diamonds.,

Yes, every Believer is a diamond to him.

But like the natural diamonds we all need cleaning,

up , purifying and passing through the fire to come,

to completeness and totality.


This is what God wants for every one us us.

And  he is patient with us for this process to take,

place and  for it to be achieved.


Because he knows our hearts and minds

he knows us.

He knows that in our hearts we love  him.

He also knows that human beings were born with,

a carnal nature in sin and that we are not perfect.


He loves us but not the sin in our lives.

He understands  and loves us anyway because,

in our  hearts we believe in his son Jesus Christ,

and  this  waht is important to God  that  we believe,

and love him.


So he goes to work on us by sending his Holy Spirit,

to help us.

We read his word, the word of God and it gives us,

strenght to make us into better human beings,

and better people By reading the word of God,

we get to know him better.


The word of God washes and cleanses us.

The word of God is power packed!

There's built in power in the word of God.
He hasn't left us unequipped.
So God really knows everything about us and has compassion on us.

He is patient and kind and generous to us.
He is doing a work in all of us to make us and mold, us into the people he wants us to be. 
So when you see a brother or a sister that is struggling with the faith and in your eyes they don't,

appear to be perfect or  they're doing things that,

you  think are not so Christian' remember  ,
God knows their heart; this is a child of God too, remember

We're All  Diamonds In The Rough.

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