Sunday, 18 September 2011

[] 5 Best Natural Antioxidants


5 Best Natural Antioxidants

What Are Natural Antioxidants?

Natural antioxidants are in simple terms the body's de-toxifiers. They are chemically, 'free radicals' that do not give away electrons because they are stable in their own way. In fact, they convert the toxins of the body into harmless waste products that are naturally excreted from the body. The antioxidant rich foods are natural cleansers of the body, acting also as anti-aging agents and protection against cancer. They absorb bad cholesterol substantially reducing the risks of heart diseases.

So after knowing all these benefits of antioxidants, sit back and think; does your diet have enough antioxidant rich food for natural detoxification of your body? If it doesn't then we can help you plan your new detox diet with ingredients that are already available in your kitchen. Here is a list of 5 best antioxidants for you.

5 Best Natural Antioxidants:

1. Red Kidney Beans or Rajma:

Dried red kidney beans, locally referred to as Rajma are a great source of proteins and also antioxidants. Their function is mainly disease fighting. On this earth plagued by pollution and contamination it is all the more important to incorporate these beans in your diet. Almost all types of beans; red, black, pinto, have antioxidant properties but red kidney beans are the best antioxidant of the lot.

2. Cloves or Loung
This is a spice widely used in Indian cuisine for its flavor. In India, cloves are a component of the 'garam masala' which is a familiar spice in our kitchens. Cloves are natural antioxidants that are very effective for lipid oxidation . Cloves need to be used specifically to spice meat dishes as meat contains fats and bad cholesterol that clogs arteries.

3. Bell Peppers:

We are specifically talking about the red and yellow bell peppers here for their immense role as deterrents of the killer disease cancer. Colored bell peppers are the best antioxidants for fighting malignancy. As a matter of fact, many Herbal healing therapies put cancer patients on a diet of bell peppers for cure.

4. Anti-aging Vitamins:

When myth-makers talked about the 'fountain of youth' they probably meant antioxidants. Vitamin C, found in citrus fruits and Vitamin E, found in dry fruits like almonds, prunes etc. are excellent for the cell renewal process of the skin to keep it youthful. Smoke, pollution and exposure to the sun eat way these anti-oxidizing vitamins from your skin and you need to keep the supply on if you are to avoid wrinkles, dark spots and flaky skin.

5. Tea:
Surprising but true, our favorite energy beverage tea is a great natural antioxidant. Drinking tea conclusively lessens the threat of heart attacks and cancer. However, this has to be either black tea or green tea as adding milk may reduce the body's capacity of absorb the antioxidants brewed in the liquor tea. So switch to black tea to reduce your calorie intake or green tea for the advantage of extra vitamin C.

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- Dr. Keshav.

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