Thursday 31 January 2013

[] What Is HTTPS And How It Makes Me More Secure On Internet


You would be knowing about HTTP but have you ever thought about HTTPS, which is required for some websites. Why it's like this, that for some websites the address of the websites starts with http://www…. while for others it starts with https://www….. why their is no standard?

Either you are a normal computer user or a professorial, when it comes to security it's always recommended to know the basics of it before you become a target of a hacker. That's why it's very important to understand what is HTTPS and how it works in your browser.

Note: At some point you may find this article a bit technical or difficult to understand, then just read the paragraph again slowly in order to have a better understanding. I have tried my best to explain you the details in an easy way.


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What It Stands For

http : Stands for "Hyper Text Transfer Protocol". It's a protocol of the web that allows you to browse (protocol means set of rules and descriptions about how to do things). It is the system that helps data transfer and reception over the Internet in plain text.


https : Stands for "Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure" It's also a protocol of the web that allows you to browse with additional Security.

Ok… So What

Atleast you know the basic difference which is of additional security. Whenever you open a website like Yahoo, bing, cnn, bbc etc, these websites doesn't require any kind of security because these are just a normal text based websites. But when you try to log into the sites like Gmail, Facebook, Yahoo Mail, Amazon, Paypal, Bank websites, Shopping websites etc, then this HTTP changes automatically into HTTPS.


This happens because during log-in process, your Password, Credit Card no, Bank Account no and other details are considered as a sensitive information and are required to be encrypted (means more secure and hidden) so that hackers will not be able to hack this information while you are log-in to the website.

Umair Shaikh

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