Sunday 12 May 2013

[] Khatte-mitten khabhrain from around the world for 12/5/13


Human rhinos are calling the shots in India..
Forget the Bengal tiger; the great Indian Rhino ought to be declared our national animal. And we needn't go into the swampy basin of the Brahmaputra to look for these lumbering, ungainly creatures. We have the world's most impressive collection of human rhinos in Delhi. Most of the make their clumsy way through the corridors of power pretty effortlessly… The slimiest much slides off without leaving a trace. We have so many of them… bureaucrats, cops, clerks, fixers, wheelers and dealers, middlemen… we are in the fortunate position to offer our hardy, tough, sasta and tikao political rhinos for export to the rest of the world. Indian breeds human rhinos faster than any other country. And with each new generation, the hide gets thicker. Nothing penetrates that tagda layer. Nothing sticks. Everything bounces off. Our rhinos are unique and priceless.
(Me: Lol!)
Fact of the matter..
Greece was once a mass of rock that was completely underwater. When a tectonic plate crashed into Europe, the collision created Greece's mountainous ranges. The plate is still moving and causes earthquakes all around the Aegean.
Top stories in Mumbai Mirror, 12/5/13
1) Rising acid attacks (on women) expose the Indian man's primitive psyche of seeing women as property that only he must possess.
2) 80-year-old widow raped by vegetable vendor in TN
(Me: Sickening. Yet, we never get tired of our 2000-year-old civilization and culture..)
Weird world…
US schools under fire for using butter in cafeteria menu…
New York: Some US school cafeterias have been slammed for using butter as an ingredient in their food. Butter was exiled from school cafeterias as far back 2008 in an effort to make meals healthier.
(Me: Butter is very much healthy for undernourished kids as in India)
Health tips…
Strong soaps and detergents can strip oil from your skin. Choose mild cleansers, instead.
Consumption of just one banana any time through the day pumps you with energy.
(Me:hmmm. Bananas, once considered poor man's fruit, sell for Rs.40 a dozen now..)
Tongue in cheek…
I started out with nothing and I still have most of it…

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