Noted malayalam writer, film director, screenplay writer etc. sri m. t. vasudevan nair remarked that the politicians are making laws suitable for sand trade because there is huge profit in sand trade. because of this sand trade our river bharathapuzha has lost to us. he further remarked that i do'nt want to say something about the dead river. with great mental stress mr. nair remarked the above. now nobody can save our rivers etc. because greedy politicians are ruling us and the state.
one can notice with deep anguish that in our country everything is run on the basis of out dated norms and policies and this is the main reason for increase in crimes in society, especially attrocities on women etc....
take the case of a day light murder of a lady in palghat where it was clearly established by the police that she was brutally murdered by three men. after spending lot of public money, the police was successful in nabbing all involved but one fellow died during police custody because he was having very poor physic and could not withstand the police actions on his body.
now the court found out that all the three men were involved and the dead man was no. One in doing the crime.
as such, i feel that all the three must be given capital punishment because they did the crime taking the advantage of the situation that they are handling a lady.
the indian penal code stipulates that even thousands of accussed are let free, one innocent can not be punished. this basic feature of our judiciary functioning has become totally out dated these days because the innocent and innocence have vanished from our society.
we must now adopt a policy just reverse and people whom ever the police find associated with a crime must be punished severely so that the rate of crime will come down.
now the police men with great difficulty nabbed the culprits are harassed because of death in police custody. this type of harassment to police also will increase the crimes.
the fellow who died in custody is found to be guilty of killing an innocent and helpless woman and he deserves death penalty. the court also agrees to it then why the harassment to the police personnel involved in it. the police must be made strong and protected by judiciary.
this is the condition of law and order maintenance in our country.
now another thing i want to point out is that in kerala the politicians have made some rules to protect the cultivable lands and these lands can not be used for other purposes.
recently our planning commission chairman shri m. s. alhuwalia visited kerala and remarked that this law must be abolished and the people should utilise the land for other purposes where they can make some money like real estate, property development etc. because in kerala the cultivation atmosphere has been spoiled by the politicians and lands are kept unutilised.
here also politicians and their petty officers make money by allowing such lands for construction purposes etc.
why not the politicians abolish such law which is not people friendly. if one can not cultivate let them sell the land to other purposes as remarked by shree alhuwalia.
one of our politicians remarked against the planning commission chairman's remark and opined that kerala must produce paddy enough for our use. the politician does not know that kerala can never be self sufficient in paddy cultivation and we will have to depend other states for rice, vegetable, spices etc..... this is because of too much political interference in the social life.
media also not fully supporting the people who are suffering due to politicians play in the society |
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