Thursday, 25 July 2013

[] A lady walking with six dogs!!!


Hi Friends;

Often I have seen people walking on the the walkway with a dog or two. One day, I was surprised on seeing a lady walking holding six dogs on leashes. The dogs with belts round their necks and in some cases, attractive coloured shirts like blouses on their chests especially in winter and merrily following the lady. The lady has a bag hanging on her shoulder. Each time when her dog poops on the road, she takes out a litter bag from the big bag on her shoulder, collects the poop ties and and puts it in the big bag.( to be deposited in the waste bin next available), She is a strict disciplinarian like a school head mistress. Whenever one of her group picks up quarrel with its fellow member, she calls the naughty by name and commands order and as an obedient child, the quarrel is settled. Still it is a tough job to guide the six in peace.

To my surprise: lady with six dogs!!!, some body clarified that she is a professional dog walker and the dogs belong to different pet owners who hired her to look after them. Everyday, or on alternate days or sometimes once a week, she reaches the houses of the dogs' owners, one after another, feeds the dogs, cleans them and the dog houses( (koodu) and at the end, gathers all her 'clients on leashes' together and takes them on for walks for an hour or half hour as the owners want and returns them to the owners.
She may have another similar batch at other times too and thus earns her bread by hard labour.The dog walkers are paid on an hourly basis., the average rate varies from @10 to 20 an hour.

Every body willing to work in this country has jobs one way or the other- washing, cleaning, grass cutting, ice removing in winter ( expand---) and so on and gets paid on hourly basis @ 10 to100 dollars or some times more .

Salary high! Comforts high! ! cost of living high!, expenses high! , mortgages very high! everything high! as the sky is high!!! and after payments,bank balance nil Ho, What a Nill it is!!!!. Still people love life in US!!! WHY?

Mathew P. Abraham, Sharon, Kudappanakunnu
now on visits to his children in US,

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