Wednesday, 27 June 2012

[] How to behave when in Negative People


Are you often around negative people? Here are some tips on

handling them or other conversations that sap your energy and don't

inspire success.s

1) Steer the conversation

If a friend starts being negative, try to steer the conversation in
a more positive way. For example, if a friend starts complaining
about the rain say, "Yes, but I love the way it makes all my
flowers grow."

For every negative thing you hear, retaliate with a positive take
on the situation. Perhaps the person doesn't realize just how
negative they really are.

2) Avoid gossip

Gossip is a form of negativity. Unfortunately, it's everywhere.

Gossip newspapers line the shelves at the supermarkets. A family
calls you with the latest family "news". A coworker wants to tell
you about another coworker.

Not only does gossiping waste precious time, it isn't healthy.

Politely tell people that you aren't interested in gossip and will
form your own opinions about people.

Also avoid celebrity gossip, as this can be just as damaging to
your life. Gossip often breeds envy when in reality, you can
accomplish things in your life as long as you tear yourself away
from the television or gossip magazines.

3) Just say no

If someone is persistently negative around you, don't be afraid to
tell them that you don't appreciate it. Of course, try to find a
diplomatic way to say so. Explain that you generally like to look
at life in a positive way and you feel that their comments are

4) Try to understand

It may help if you try to understand why someone is being negative.

Maybe there is something you can do to try to help them? There are
many root causes to negativity. These include abusive
relationships, discontent, or clinical depression.

Perhaps if they realize that someone generally wants to see them
happy, they will change. Don't invest too much of your energy in
this, though.

Often, negative people don't really change because they don't want
to. Trying to help can be just as much of an energy drain as
actually listening to their comments.

5) Be positive

If you realize that you have a problem with negativity, don't try
to change all at once. This is a bad habit that can be broken, it
just takes time. Start out by promising yourself that you will say
one positive thing each day. If you catch yourself thinking
something negative about the weather, turn it into a positive, for
example. After you get comfortable, say two positive things.
Continue increasing until you are free of your habit.

Just be careful not to confuse negativity with honesty and
constructive criticism.

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