Monday, 19 June 2017



A Story to remember !
A woman saw 3 saints in front of her house.
The woman said – "Kindly come inside and have something to eat."
The saints replied – "Is your husband at home? "
Woman – "No, he has gone out."
Saint –"We will come inside the house only when he has come."
In the evening, when the woman's husband came home, she told him the story about the saints.
Husband – "Go and tell them I have come home and invite them inside the house."
The woman went out and called the saints inside the house.
Saint said – " All of us don't go inside anyone's house together. "
"But why?" – woman asked
One of the saints replied – " My name is WEALTH."
Then he pointed to the other saints and said – "These two saints' names are PROSPERITY and LOVE."
"Only one of us can come inside your house! "
"You go in and discuss with your family and decide which saint you want to invite. "
Woman went inside and told all this to her husband.
Her husband became too excited and said –"if that is the matter then let us invite WEALTH ! Our house will be filled with happiness."
Wife – "I feel we should invite PROSPERITY."
Their daughter, who was in the next room, was listening to this discussion. She came close to them and said – 
"I feel we should invite LOVE. Nothing is important than Love."
"you are right, we should invite Love only." – her parents agreed.
Woman went out and asked the saints – "Will LOVE please come inside the house ?"
Love started walking towards the house......
The other two saints started following Love !
The surprised woman asked the saints – " I only invited love..... then why are you two also coming inside the house?"
One of the saints replied – "If you had invited prosperity or wealth, then only that particular saint would have entered your house.
But you have invited love!
Love never walks alone, Wherever love is, there is always prosperity and wealth. They all go hand in hand.
Read this story once , twice or thrice.....
If you like it, stay with love....
Spread love, give love and take love is the only secret to success !!

Think Good Do Good
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